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How to block your neigbors from your wifi

they are getting on my nerves
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a strong password..
lonelynerdygirl · 36-40, F
its not that strong of a password i will redo it this morning.
@lonelynerdygirl: mine is about 30 characters long.. nobody is going to Crack it.
lonelynerdygirl · 36-40, F
@onestarrynight: alright thanks
Toolmar1 · 36-40, F
Use the numbers and letters on the bottom of your router as your password it sounds like you have an open router :(
Toolmar1 · 36-40, F
@onestarrynight: That's what I use as my password it's always there for you if you forget it and your neighbors won't know it until they look at your router but why would they do that?
and it's a long string of characters.. very strong as a password
Toolmar1 · 36-40, F
@onestarrynight: Yes you are correct
Ahmm set up a password
lonelynerdygirl · 36-40, F
i got that
@lonelynerdygirl: youncan change the password then or simply kick them out from the network and block them. You can actually see the IPs of devices connected by accessing your router settings/menu
Sonya09 · F
Us a 16+ alpha numeric encryption if allowed
This type of encryption is used on boyfriends.😂😂😂
SoulAsylum · 36-40, M
Redstar · 36-40, M
@lonelynerdygirl: ...Did you really have to ask people what to do about this? Seriously? :/
lonelynerdygirl · 36-40, F
@Redstar: yes i did this my first router and never had the wifi at my house
Redstar · 36-40, M
@lonelynerdygirl: So? When someone finds out what your password is, you change it, whether it's for the internet or something else. So it doesn't matter that you've never had a router or wifi before, it's just common sense...
AnukBinary · M
You should use it to your advantage and get into all their electronic devices that are piggybacking on to your wifi😁
Set up a password. Strong one😁😁
Doesn't help if someone shares the password
@SooperSarah: yaah. 😎😎
Password protect your wifi.
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
Password with upper and lower case
Hope my neighbours get the hint when they try to hack my wifi.
popmol · 26-30, M
put a password on it?
UnderTheBridge · 51-55, M
Change the WiFi name to "For Losers"
lonelynerdygirl · 36-40, F
my wifi username is Get a life
romell · 51-55, M
just shoot them lol
lonelynerdygirl · 36-40, F
i cant shoot them.

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