Ellen · 46-50, F
About 5 min ago
tiggerandariel13 · 46-50, MVIP
my daughter did before she fell asleep
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Today before my daughter borrowed my credit card

@nedkelly isn't that kind of her. I bet she meant it.🙂
KayraJordyn · F
Bruja · F
Like an hour ago
gaygod · F
Earlier today. And it really meant something to me because it was from my dad, he never tells me that 🤔
KayraJordyn · F
That's sweet! @gaygod
NewBeginnings7790 · 41-45, F
If my kids count then just a few minutes ago, if not then it was like 7 or 8 months ago...

@NewBeginnings7790 kids should count. They are your babies.☺
Last week but it was a lie. I think he was talking to himself 💩
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
@Cutiepi23 Ah, a narcissist. At least you can see it.
@TeresaRudolph71 spot on

Today, my husband and I say it about a million times a day.
LordofFlatbush · 56-60, M
You guys are so lucky. I haven't had anyone tell me that in a long time. Don't take it for granted.
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KayraJordyn · F
🖤 @SW-User

@KayraJordyn 🌷❤

@KayraJordyn I was gonna send a fall mum, but they don't have any.☺
Butterflykisses24 · 51-55, F
GreenGoddess · F
Earlier today but it doesn't mean anything to me because they don't know what love is.
KayraJordyn · F
GreenGoddess · F
@KayraJordyn Nah. Don't be sad.
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
Last night, when I was on the phone with my boyfriend. :)
TexChik · F
1455spd · 31-35, M
Like 2 years ago. Looks like I’m falling way behind everyone else
1455spd · 31-35, M
@KayraJordyn In my experience with this site, people aren't as sheepish as they'd be in the real world. Unpopular opinions usually require the support of some non-existent silent majority in order to stand up to scrutiny because it fails on its own merits, which is where your argument stands. Nothing personal, but people can usually tell when they've stepped in shit.
I applaud you for trying to positivity here, but some things aren't meant to be sugarcoated
I applaud you for trying to positivity here, but some things aren't meant to be sugarcoated
KayraJordyn · F
I have no argument. Just a statement. That statement is those who would feel badly saying they don't feel loved in life would also likely feel "less-than" saying they don't feel loved even here. It's embarrassing for some, painful for many, and unreasonably shameful-feeling. That's my experience. I've worked with and spoken to many who feel unlovable. They generally don't advertise their pain. Those who do are welcome to, and encouraged to do whatever would help them. Because love is essential. For all of us. For our survival, our hopes.
1455spd · 31-35, M
@KayraJordyn That's what this site is for though, to vent your pain and talk about your experiences. Things like that don't translate from the real world where everyone is trying to put up a facade
LucyFuhr · 56-60, F
Today...but it wasn't convincing
BlueRain · 51-55, F
Sammyk · F
BrattyMel · 31-35, F
It’s been a while 😣
KayraJordyn · F
KayraJordyn · F
We lucky folk, folks!
KayraJordyn · F
silentwriter180 · 56-60, F
15 minutes ago
butterfly1013 · 26-30, F
Romantically- Few Weeks ago. General- My sister maybe a few days ago. It's not said regularly to me in my life. Usually only when someone wants something.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Say it more. Then it will be less fake.

A long ago..if we are taking about romantic love.
Goralski · 56-60, M
Does a cat licking yo toes count