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Isnt it pathetic that the us government is in a war against a plant. When all it does is make you feel better. Is it just for money or what?

Especially going after cbd. Why make it a felony when it doesnt even get you high
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Well for me is the fact that is is mostly smoked and thus has the same dangers as second hand smoke. Also some people have bad reactions to it. Imagine it triggering someone into schizophrenia because of second hand inhalation. Now if it came in pill form that would be better. Also there are multiple compounds in cannabis. cbd is not the same as thc but you never know which does you are going to get from smoking a random plant.
I would be okay with it if they standardized it. Like an actually standard, unlike herb and supplement companies do and put it in a form that doesn't get into other people. Like pills, brownies or the cbd oils.
@canusernamebemyusername I would buy the oil
@Cutiepi23 Yeah that tends to be the part of the plant that helps people anyway.
I think cigarettes are worse and they are legal...Why?? Doesn't make sense I'm all for the plant in a medical sense.
TexChik · F
The law is the law . Isn’t it pathetic you can’t follow it ? I believe eventually it will be legalized and regulated after they have figured how much is too much , it’s effects on driving , and how to test for it .
Cannabro · 36-40, M
If a law is unjust it's not only right to disobey it, you are obligated to do so -Thomas Jefferson @TexChik
Ahd123 · 36-40, M
@Cannabro amen brother!
Ahd123 · 36-40, M
@TexChik yeah that's true, fucked up but true lol not for long thou hopefully
abe182 · 46-50, M
Tobacco 😍😍

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