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Do u remember your first EP/SW friend?

What can u tell us about them? Are they still around?
She passed away suddenly last year ... she was the best ... I was borrowing a couple of her angels at the time.

They have stayed with me ... and helped fill the void.
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@questionWeaver she'll forever be in your heart.
@Dan193 Truly
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
I do. He told me about EP so I joined. When SW started I told him but I know he was sick and I think he passed away.
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
@Stereoguy There are some people who do impact your life here and I just hope they are happy wherever they are.
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@Stereoguy sometimes I think of the same thing and I kist hope they're fine.
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nedkelly · 61-69, M
Nimbus and he is still around, knew him from yahoo answers
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@nedkelly wow that's a long time. Impressive.
I remember him.@nedkelly
aaarzooo123 · 31-35, M
Yes, she was a college girl and we met at EP. We exchanged numbers and after few weeks had date and lot of fun. I cannot expose her name as she is happily married with someone.
I miss her.
aaarzooo123 · 31-35, M
@Dan193 Dan... You are right. We had fun and naughty things in open relationship but i felt later that I was loving her during the time we spend together but I could not express my love to her and she is princess of someone else...
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@aaarzooo123 aw that's sad, I'm sure she still remembers you and thinks of the good times you 2 had together.
aaarzooo123 · 31-35, M
May be💏
Fernie · F
Coyotedave was the first person I spoke to on EP a hundred years ago. I had no idea what the hell I was doing or what it was about it being my first experience on any social site. He was great and explained it to me and put me at ease and I went on to thoroughly enjoy my time there. If not for him I think I would have missed out on something great.
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@Fernie that's a beautiful story, thank you for sharing it.
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Dan193 · 31-35, M
@kingkyri that's nice, I hope u guys will keep sticking together.
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Dan193 · 31-35, M
@kingkyri that's so precious, best friends for ever 😇
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
yep his name was TravIsHere and we met on ep and we video called each other a bit on ep whenever he was online. He was super cool and we were going to meet up since we both live in Australia but I chickened out and when ep ended, we kind of drifted apart. it sucks because he was really nice and such a fun person to interact with
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@PlumBerries ok, then maybe you'll randomly stumble upon him in the city 😁 and it will all work out ...unless u have a bf rn
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
yeah I have a boyfriend. it was never anything romantic between us. just friends
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@PlumBerries oh, I understand
Vetrov · 61-69, M
Her name was GirlCapitol.

Exactly my day out.
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@Vetrov that's a cool fact
Vetrov · 61-69, M
@Dan193 I got to know a bit more about her
Dusty101 · F
Mine was Smile122 he is gone...
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@Dusty101 I bet he smiles when he remembers you )
Dusty101 · F
@Dan193 ah thanks... I don't think he remembers. Sometimes I think he was an inmate with an illegal mobile phone. 😂
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@Dusty101 hahaha he does!! There's no way you can forget your friends, even if you don't speak for years. You still had something special, that brings back good memories.
monmoon · 22-25, M
I have no one.
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@monmoon You better write a story about the first friend you'll make on here then )
monmoon · 22-25, M
I've got no story to share cos i don't have a friend here either
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@monmoon no, I mean when you'll make a friend on here. You better write a story about them and show your appreciation for them being part in your life. You know,
TexChik · F
Yes ! EternalBlissXXX on EP
She was from Arizona. Originally from Michigan. Scientist and loved animals.

I could contact her through twitter if I wanted. We do a cordial “are you still alive check” infrequently.
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@SW-User Yeah, I know what you mean. Well at least she's still in your life, so that's good.
TheFragile · 46-50, M
We've known each other for 5 years and met on ep. We're happily dating now.
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@TheFragile wow that's so sweet
TheFragile · 46-50, M
@Dan193 I love her.
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@TheFragile I'm really happy for you. Seriously, stuff like that, where people develop love from being long time friends, just warms my heart.
Didn't have any on ep, don't have any on here. Not why I'm here.
@Dan193 discussion, learning and a laugh.
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@SW-User I'm sure you can find, if you didn't already, a person that enjoys the same things and your company.
I don’t have anyone here either. People just want sexy chat. Blah. It depresses me.@SW-User
Mochatime...went by Mac. I really miss him.
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@MissMollyCharlotte0702 I really miss some special people as well. Feels like the first ones were the most memorable, right )
He was one of those that I could talk to. @Dan193
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@MissMollyCharlotte0702 yes, I really understand you
I don't really remember. I was so depressed back then.
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@SW-User maybe you'll randomly meet them on here and everything is going to come back to you. Also I hope u passed past your depression and feeling better now.
@Dan193 I definitely feel better since then. Thanks. :)
Peppa · 31-35, F
Oh I can't remember you know wow. :-/
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@Peppa you can? what do u remember about me?
Peppa · 31-35, F
@Dan193 I don't really sorry. :-/
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@Peppa oh.
😖😅 ok then
For sure. We got on well from the very start.
We're still going strong.
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@SethGreene531 nice, I'm glad for you 2, for managing to keep it alive for so long. Gj
She comes and goes from here, has had a few names but for me shes always badger
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@InOtterWords so sweet, that's nice

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