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TrickyTrixie · 31-35, F
Giant ball of cheese in space

hunkalove · 61-69, M
It is a big light Jesus put in the sky so we can see where we are going when we run from the police.
TrickyTrixie · 31-35, F
@hunkalove thanks Jesus!
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
Ynotisay · M
Unless I'm mistaken it's either about stabilizing the earth, creating the tides and providing light at night OR it serves as a backup if we ever run out of cheese. Not sure which though.
@Ynotisay Cheese. Definitely cheese.
Ynotisay · M
@SW-User Thought it might be. Appreciate the confirmation.
@Ynotisay Any time.
PilinisesiofParadise · 31-35, F
Tides, climate change and mark of religious festivals. No need to elaborate because you already know hence why you asked this question.
Ynotisay · M
@PilinisesiofParadise But that's different than natural things serving a purpose, right?
PilinisesiofParadise · 31-35, F
All I know is the moon has influences and effects. These effects see themselves manifested as climatic phenomena of a very wide and still not completely undestood nature. This is a topic I can go on and on about because it’s my field of study.

I’m at work so I can discuss in great detail when I’m at home.
The moon is a great big ball that shine bright in sky at night. 😂
Besides what others have mentioned here, the moon protected earth from meteorite during many phases of our earth evolution. It still does that. Also, as our out space understanding will increase we will known moons does more than just producing ocean tides.
Mirage · F
It represents a shadow of the real thing, which is the sun, the greater light. Like things on earth are a shadow of the true/spiritual. Like a parable. It is dark/nothing without light. Aka enlightenment and understanding..
Pambi · 26-30, F
All I know is that when it hits your eye, like a big pizza:

That's amore.
TheWildEcho · 56-60, M
It prevents the man in the moon from being another homeless statistic
Ah ... but it is part of a diabolically complex scheme operated by Pultonians
.. who have shelters on the dark side of the moon.

They are scanning our Wi-Fi to learn about our stock market... Cause one day, they see the possibility of conquering the universe via a simple corn future -pork belly straddle!
eli1601 · 70-79, M
To keep the tides going in and out
depends on what's purpose to you, for life on earth it affects it in ways which may not be known, among the known ones are it's stabilizing of Earths tilt and the effect on weather and sea travel because of tides. also it's great deal important to lovers and helps some insects
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Do you mean what is the purpose of the moon, as in the big natural satellite around the earth?

It doesn't have a "purpose." It simply is.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
@Unlearn Write more what?
Unlearn · 41-45, M
@DunningKruger on moon...
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
@Unlearn The general idea (the latest I've heard, at least) is that early in the evolution of the Solar System, the proto-Earth collided with a planetoid about the size of Mars. This pretty much liquefied both bodies, more or less, throwing a huge amount of material into orbit around the larger of the bodies. Over time, that material coalesced into the moon.

The earth-moon system rotates around a common center of gravity, which isn't the center of the earth but is still located inside the earth because of the mass disparity between the two bodies. This has had the benefit of keeping earth's rotation relatively stable. Without this stability, the planet would flip on its axes and wobble a lot more than it does, likely creating a lot of tectonic issues and quite possibly making the environment on the surface of earth too chaotic and hostile for life to have ever evolved.
Satelite. Main cause of tides and stabilises Earth rotation.
TexChik · F
It has no purpose ,it’s just there .
Cosmically good cheese!
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
It controls our tides

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