Why do you have 3 accounts running at the same time on the questions?
TuxedoMask · M
To be a famous Youtuber! Oh and sell my comic series. 🙃
TacoCat · 26-30, M
Getting a car
TeirdalinShade · 31-35, M

Inner peace
PilinisesiofParadise · 36-40, F
Finish my Masters and get my parents off my back with their never ending nagging.
TeirdalinShade · 31-35, M
@PilinisesiofParadise I should really do something similar eventually.
PilinisesiofParadise · 36-40, F
I’ve started but I’m only taking couple of papers per semester. I have to work because oldies no longer fund my excursions. 😂😂
I’ve started but I’m only taking couple of papers per semester. I have to work because oldies no longer fund my excursions. 😂😂
TeirdalinShade · 31-35, M
@PilinisesiofParadise Schooling would have probably been a better investment of my inheritance than an HTC Vive and a top tier gaming pc.
Not as fun though.
Not as fun though.
YoMomma ·