So, why do gotta go there to pray for it.. isn't god supposed to be everywhere?
Hereigoagain · 51-55, F
Yes, He is. IT is a Special place for me. Where He, the All Mighty have been waiting for me. HE TOLD ME TO GO THERE, HE WILL MEET ME. IN A FULL MOON.
dystopianAntihero · 56-60, M
Wasn't Clint Eastwood mayor there? You may be looking in the wrong place, he's a Trump supporter who likes talking to empty chairs.
Hereigoagain · 51-55, F
Used to be. No more. Kill Bill shooting was there.. I picked that town 1999, my brother told me about it.
dystopianAntihero · 56-60, M
Well, I've heard it's v beautiful. I think that's the main reason Clint ran for mayor, to protect his property. Def a good place for meditation and reflection if you can afford it.
bearinthebigbluehouse · 26-30, M
Let us know how well that goes..
Hereigoagain · 51-55, F
I would live to
Don't think will have electronics
Don't think will have electronics
dystopianAntihero · 56-60, M
It'll take more than prayers.
Hereigoagain · 51-55, F
But, I know how to talk to god, directly. Heisus ain't my medium. I will ask him. He likely will listen.
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dystopianAntihero · 56-60, M
@Greenwind I hate to pop you bubble, but the The Donald said Crooked Hillary was and excellent SoS, and was for the Iraq War when he was a Dem, in a edition to being a neofascist and a racist. When he was in LA he cut a 6 figure check for an anti-LGBT hate group.
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dystopianAntihero · 56-60, M
@Greenwind Nope, have seen the videos. Again this was when he was a Dem. And Director of Trump youth is a self-professed neonazi. Trump has allowed racial violence and intimidation at his rallies, and has made numerous racist and mysoginystic statements himself. You can Google all of it.
Mondayschild · F
fruit loop alert🙄
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Mondayschild · F
I dont know simplegirl -- I kind of like being a Russian spy😂
Simplegirlstory · 31-35, F
lol, SW is getting weirder more and more :D
Simplegirlstory · 31-35, F
Dont forget your medicine aunty while going there :D
Hereigoagain · 51-55, F
I do have an alternative. Cuban border, Keylargo. Might head south. Or even northwest! The coast of Crater Lake. .
Hereigoagain · 51-55, F
@SUBURBUNERRORIST. you blocked me. Can't answer. Yes, Borat Thongs are Optional.
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Hereigoagain · 51-55, F
I don't see the reply arrow under urban respose. R u hiding underneith my electronics,
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dystopianAntihero · 56-60, M

Hereigoagain · 51-55, F
You are totally right. I have been stalk by a timeshare saleswoman, whose Hindu husband, a us govt sakes agent to the Carrabian. Selling nuje to north koria, burma, bangladesh, russia, kashmiri,etc. The us enemies. He lives in frederick, md.
Hereigoagain · 51-55, F
Oh! Mother Heisus? Save the world from greenwind of Maine.
You see, I love all design by Ivonka. I admire her every thing. Her shoes are the best!! Clothing color!! She is the wall Street classy designer.
Trump? What Trump knows that he call sec. Clinton a crook? Her husband, a lair, womanizer. She has nothing to do with Clinton Foundation. I agree, Trump does not hate LGBT. And Trump vote against Iraq .
THE problem is , he will make war instead wall. War where the money lies.
HE insult senator McCain, wanna be friends with Crook Joe lieberman!! I mean come on? He even like Bernie, another thug.
You see, I love all design by Ivonka. I admire her every thing. Her shoes are the best!! Clothing color!! She is the wall Street classy designer.
Trump? What Trump knows that he call sec. Clinton a crook? Her husband, a lair, womanizer. She has nothing to do with Clinton Foundation. I agree, Trump does not hate LGBT. And Trump vote against Iraq .
THE problem is , he will make war instead wall. War where the money lies.
HE insult senator McCain, wanna be friends with Crook Joe lieberman!! I mean come on? He even like Bernie, another thug.
dystopianAntihero · 56-60, M
Wait, back up, lol Bernie Sanders is a thug? How do you figure? Hillary Clinton never met a war she didn't like. Her mentors are Madeline Albrite and Henry Kissinger, two of the biggest warmongers on the planet.
Hereigoagain · 51-55, F
Bernie from vermont. Where the lockbox exist, of dhs, us cis. Bernies, supporter, crook hogue family stole 265 frozen file by dhs, to invest in drug war. Distribute crystal method on the street. Made, identical database of all federal agency's. Used call them, blackknighthacker. Niw, there Facebook is *Las vegas Muslima * the God mother, shooter of Orlando. Bank hacker, Joe lieberman, the crook so are landscape graham.
Destroy the backbone of us authourity. THEY HACK ADP, PRICING FAKE PATSTUB AND, breakdown banks.
MalAsia is loaded in punjabi. Who has 3 trillion dollars in the USA on real estate. You see, the war will be between India and Pakistan.
Iran support Pakistan. Russian will support India.
Chinese in the middle nan, deal breaker. Palestine, all middle east will be playing cards. Will attack Isrile.. with power of china.
That is why Rodney miller move in cash machine to thailand.
It is call* kata diye kata tula.**
Destroy the backbone of us authourity. THEY HACK ADP, PRICING FAKE PATSTUB AND, breakdown banks.
MalAsia is loaded in punjabi. Who has 3 trillion dollars in the USA on real estate. You see, the war will be between India and Pakistan.
Iran support Pakistan. Russian will support India.
Chinese in the middle nan, deal breaker. Palestine, all middle east will be playing cards. Will attack Isrile.. with power of china.
That is why Rodney miller move in cash machine to thailand.
It is call* kata diye kata tula.**
dystopianAntihero · 56-60, M
Now your just talking crazy talk. Bernie Sanders is opposed to the drug war. Even Republicans who are completely opposed to his polices respect him for his integrity. I've heard the Clinton's were behind a lot of drug running in GA, though. Both of them were certainly proponents of the drug war, w/o question.