I believe that everyone has challenges and struggles. The only difference is how we deal with it and our capacity to take it. My life to some is unbearable yet to others it's nothing. To me it's normal and I'm still standing. Each of us deals endures differently burdens. No pain is comparable since we are all unique individuals that feels differently
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And yet the same.
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You don't think so? We all deal with the same universal struggles in one way or another, we all learn the same lessons, and each of has a case of terminal uniqueness. We have great differences, but I find it's the similarities that bring people together.
Picklebobble · 56-60, M
I'm sure life for most of us is much easier than it ever was for previous generations.
But we are all on our own individual journeys.
We are all influenced by our upbringing and experiences within it.
I'm sure if you were to ask twins what they made of their early or teen life you'd still get two different ideas of what happened and how it affected each individually.
But we are all on our own individual journeys.
We are all influenced by our upbringing and experiences within it.
I'm sure if you were to ask twins what they made of their early or teen life you'd still get two different ideas of what happened and how it affected each individually.
wintersecret · 41-45, M
I think life is simple to live but our needs and expectation has made it hard
Goralski · 56-60, M
If ya make life hard it will b....unless ya live in a third world country then its hard