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Good news: xxxtentacion died today. Maybe god is real?

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rhino · 31-35, M
Fuck all you guys . x did do some fucked up things in his past , but do you want me to judge all of you guys for your pasts ? the last thing that x posted on social media was that he was planning a charity event for this coming weekend . x might of hurt 1 , 10 , maybe even 100 , but he helped hundreds of thousands . because of his music I am still on this earth . because of x I didn't take my own life . don't put dirt on x after he dies . every should rest in peace . even "scumbags".
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AdriYorlano · 18-21, F
That is a very rude and horrible thing to say about somebody's death. I mean yes, he did do some horrible things in his past... but that is no excuse to be happy that he died. If you were in his situation, how would you feel if some random person felt happy that you died?
AdriYorlano · 18-21, F
@NathanCH23 That's accurate for some people😂
*Cough* *Cough*
NathanCH23 · 18-21, M
@AdriYorlano She doesnt understand because she is a "perfect little tough princess" trying to slay a dragon that is already dead but has failed
AdriYorlano · 18-21, F
JakeW77 · 26-30, M
First of all you are accusing a innocent man of several things he has not been proven guilty in under a federal law court. Second of all have some respect for the man, he helped many people through this world full of negative people such as yourself, based on this post. Third, don’t use Gods name in vein escpecially if you don’t believe he his real, your lucky you have only gotten this much hate on here and not in real life, many people are killed for speaking like that in other country’s, you should never take advantage of what u have in your world. Also Jahseh (xxxtentacion), was a big inspiration to many people so it’s better not to speak about him like that, especially after so short of his tragic death. I hope you realize what your wrong is here and if u don’t then I believe you should seek some hemp from either family or a counseler for your well-being. Rest In Peace Jahseh Onfroy🙏🏼❤️ Thank you for helping everyone through this world!
JakeW77 · 26-30, M
@princessElizabeth yes he was innocent, underneath the US federal law court system he was never found guilty, which means he is innocent! Have u ever heard the term “innocent until found guilty”, I think you should focus more on school then the internet 😬
princessElizabeth · 22-25, F
@JakeW77 He literally admitted to it you absolute fucking idiot
JakeW77 · 26-30, M
@princessElizabeth ur actually as fucking special as u look, just stfu about this it actually a dumbass slut
Varsha · 26-30, F
Ok, so have some respect. You may not like him but there are so many other people out there that looked up to him. He was an idol who people wanted to live for. He tried to change and get the darkness out of his heart. People are hurting from this tragic news (like me) and we don’t need any more negativity from people like you. I’m not gonna say “good news: your momma’s dead. Maybe god is real?” Keep your opinions to yourself.
princessElizabeth · 22-25, F
@Varsha my momma never abused people🤷🏻‍♀️
Varsha · 26-30, F
@princessElizabeth X’s gone through some shit man. There’s things that cause people to abuse and that starts from all the negitivity you’ve been exposed to. Everyone knows how much Jahseh regrets everything he did to cause Jocelyn to take her own life. Now just let the man Rest In Peace ☹️
princessElizabeth · 22-25, F
@Varsha I do not give a single fuck about what he went thru. His past does not justify him being an awful person.
AwesomeRLucas67 · 22-25, M
Bad news: you exist. Maybe the devil
Is real?
AdriYorlano · 18-21, F
@AwesomeRLucas67 Well said
rhino · 31-35, M
I like seeing all these people standing up for x even after he is gone . x has , or had , an amazing fan base . but negativity is not what he would of wanted . @hbenhd x would want us to continue to spread his message as well as peace , love , and positivity . I love all of you members 💙
rhino · 31-35, M
@princessElizabeth pathetic ? You may not see it but x was an amazing artist who touched a lot of peoples hearts , including mine . x didn't just make rap music he made music from multiple genres . x talked multiple of his fans down from suicide . i don't think that us pathetic . what i believe is pathetic is talking down on someone after they died . he was somebody's son . that's fucked up . but I think everyone deserves a second chance . so take the offer now or forever hold your peace . if you would like to contact me personally dm @meme.binder.x.x.x on instagram
princessElizabeth · 22-25, F
@rhino It’s pathetic to still stand by and defend a man like him.
rhino · 31-35, M
@princessElizabeth I stand by him bc he is real . he admitted his mistakes and did his best to right it . I know that it is terrible to abuse .
Mikaiela · 22-25, F
Hey I'm not trying to be rude or anything but people are going to come at you bc your being rude by saying that"good new. Xxxtentacion died today." .he didn't deserve to die. Yes, he did bad things in the past but he changed. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone does something bad in there life, but we get chances to change and he took his chance. This weekend he was supposed to perform for a charity event. His fans are really upset about him passing. Mabye instead of posting rude stuff you should try and stay positive and help people with this lose even if you didnt like him. Be the bigger person.
Kajabc · 18-21, F
Xxxtentacion helped people with depression and his music helped them know they aren't alone
NathanCH23 · 18-21, M
Have you helped almost 5 million kids with depression? NO! Are you popular? NO! Are you famous? NO! so why dont you just leave and leave x alone.
yungru · 36-40, F
oh, x did many good things that u didn't. can u organize a charity event? I don't think so. shut up plz
Moneyzorro · 26-30, M
@rhino do people not know xxx was changing his life towards a positive path?
Skskskskksks · 26-30, F
@princessElizabeth wow good for you. You use the same excuse every time to hate on X. And the person is right he did a lot more good than bad. Although you didn’t beat up a pregnant woman you never did as much as x did. I’m not trying to change your mind, all I’m doing is calling you out.
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InvaderNice · 26-30, M
Wtf did he do to deserve you saying this?
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InvaderNice · 26-30, M
@princessElizabeth Then I don’t blame you for saying it.
princessElizabeth · 22-25, F
@InvaderNice && honestlyy thats just a few of the things.
CalliePorter · 22-25, F
It doesn’t matter what he did he changed peoples life’s no one should be wished to die or happy he changed so many peoples lives and still does he changed people for the good we love him he loves us we’re his fans for life he’ll continue to be there we love you X I may be a new fan but I fell like I’ve known you I love you we love you R.I.P X
NathanCH23 · 18-21, M
@princessElizabeth youtune is free but im feeling nice today
Karma maybe?

Never heard of him. Maybe all the millions of people who haven't hurt a fly and died without cause could be spared a thought?
Why do I have the feeling that you are being harassed by fake accounts? Probably the same person tho
sledd79 · 41-45, F
People make mistakes in life, that’s life. Regardless of what he may have done, he didn’t deserve to die. He was a talent young man who many kids looked up too. God bless him and his family.
princessElizabeth · 22-25, F
@sledd79 beating, raping, and hurting another human being is not a mistake. It’s an action that reflects character
Selah ·
What was his deal? Im old.
Iniguea · 22-25, F
@princessElizabeth YouTube “is free but I’m feeling nice today” 🤷🏻‍♀️
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@Iniguea I'm not gonna hate on a musician that you love and helped you.
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Drewashere · 22-25, M
🤦🏽‍♂️Everyone that’s talking down about a dead men I hope your family goes through the same shii his family going through....he was getting his life together before he died so god will let him in the heavenly gates🙏🏽By organizing a charity 😭.... So to everyone that talked down on x he lived a good life 🤧❣️ So y’all can go to hell 🖕🏽🤷🏽‍♂️ So get y’all life together 😒
rhino · 31-35, M
@Drewashere low key love you bro . stay strong 💙
princessElizabeth · 22-25, F
@Drewashere you’re a whole ass idiot
Therealghost · 22-25, M
Maybe you just don't understand that people live in different environments and grow differently I am not saying what he did was right but no one deserved to die
princessElizabeth · 22-25, F
@Therealghost I obviously do understand that but it doesn’t justify being a garbage person. Stop commenting
BrandonJones72 · 26-30, M
What’s funny is all that man did was inspire people and help with peoples depression. He told about himself in his music he told about how he feels with his music. And deadass you gonna talk shit about a dead man. What kinda person does that. He inspired people. That’s all the man ever did. Anybody who talk shit about him especially now is a piece of shit person. ON GOD‼️💯
NathanCH23 · 18-21, M
@BrandonJones72 HALLELUJAH!!
Tennessee667898 · 22-25, F
Wishing death upon someone is actually so disgusting. You are SCUM...
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Skskskskksks · 26-30, F
@princessElizabeth no he didn’t. No one deserves this. Yeah he may have abused his pregnant gf at the time but he was doing a charity and donated a lot of things and helped a lot of people whenever they were at a bad time in their lives
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Kys lil bitch
Djvksmc · 31-35, T
Your going to hell for that!😭😡
princessElizabeth · 22-25, F
@RemovedUsername760731 my mom taught me to be outspoken
Peace100111 · 46-50, M
Her mom was to busy swalling my cum to teach her anything. How does it feel @princessElizabeth walking around knowing that the world would of been better off if you were aborted?
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ripxxxtentacion · 22-25, F
@princessElizabeth you’re so rude and disrespectful. You’re just saying that because your jealous of him. And also how would you feel if your were murdered at age 20 and someone said “Good News: @princessElizabeth died today! I’m soooo happy!!” ( and btw, you’re not a princess, get an education).
princessElizabeth · 22-25, F
@ripxxxtentacion why you so obsessed w me
Josesilva · 22-25, M
Did your mom throw or dropped you at birth because I think you have brain damage recommend to go see doctor right now!!!!
Jade321543 · 31-35, F
If u don’t wish death to someone like x and u can forgive all the bad things someone does post a comment saying #forever20🖤🖤
Jade321543 · 31-35, F
No one deserves to die I mean that just like saying u all deserve to die for doing something bad and yes x was trying to be a better person in case u didn’t see he was doing a charitable event the following weekend
Lucien · 26-30, M
We can see you're a abnormal human, if someone does wrong you look past it when they die.. so people can look past me saying that I hope you are stuck in a house with someone who beats you senseless, and you lie a painful death.
therealgleo · 26-30, M
fuck is wrong with you
Colacshbx · 26-30, M
What the fuck xxx was an inspiration who tried to help people with their depression
Peace100111 · 46-50, M
Bitch spews hate on a public forum yet deletes any hate she receives. How sad
princessElizabeth · 22-25, F
@Peace100111 your bitchass is commenting the same thing over & over. Come up w some new hate
Jade321543 · 31-35, F
Ik he’d did some bad shit but this is just straight up fucked
stayw0ke · 22-25, T
Pay attention people. This what happen when u glorify h8 and violence. Karma a stone cold bitch.
Lucien · 26-30, M
PrincessElizabeth, I hope you get beaten to death, I hope you beg and die.. ps im a good person, but that statement.. I WISH you die in a painful manner. Amen.
AdriYorlano · 18-21, F
@Lucien 😂
therealgleo · 26-30, M
of course it would be the white girl posting this shit.
NathanCH23 · 18-21, M
@therealgleo im white and i still care that he died
AdriYorlano · 18-21, F
@therealgleo I'm white... but I actually have common sense
Lucien · 26-30, M
Oh and also, I doubt you know f'all about the hip hop industry or artists like x.. sincerely, please get murdered and die soon
😂 fucking rude
BlackLightning104 · 31-35, M
Fuck u princessElizabeth. No one deserves to die. He might have done some fucked up things in his past, but he was about to do a charity event and he might have been able to turn his life around. Without X I would never have gotten into rap and hype music. I am glad that he was alive and shared his music talent with us, and I am sorry to see him go. My thoughts r with u X.
Bellm98k · 26-30, M
That’s why yo real dad don’t want you because you a retard. I better your mom regrets not aborting you. She probably wishes you were the cumshot she should have swallowed. Dirty bitch. Go back to your wrinkly ass dick since you love sugar daddy’s so much. Hope you catch aids from him.
xxxtentacionfan123 · 22-25, T
you should kill yourself
NathanCH23 · 18-21, M
@xxxtentacionfan123 that went a just a little bit too far man
rhino · 31-35, M
princessElizabeth · 22-25, F
@xxxtentacionfan123 lil peep was the man x never could be
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Jade321543 · 31-35, F
This is fucking bullshit I mean I would never wish death on someone and by the look of it u would 🤬🤬😤 and the dudes fucking dead so show a little respect imagine how his family feels rn 🤬😡
chomp56 · 26-30, M
fuck you, fuck off, people like you is wrong with the world
Hbenhd · 46-50, M
Fuck you, you disrespectful slut
princessElizabeth · 22-25, F
@Hbenhd lol
NathanCH23 · 18-21, M
@Hbenhd hold on, are you talking to me?!
Peace100111 · 46-50, M
Have some respect for the dead you ignorant cunt. Maybe if you took a break from letting niggas cum in your dumpster ass and did some research you wouldn't feel that way. Go get yourself educated. You're a pathetic waste of space
princessElizabeth · 22-25, F
Moneyzorro · 26-30, M
If u were my baby mamma I'd bitch slap the fuck out of u for saying some dumb shit like that.
princessElizabeth · 22-25, F
@Moneyzorro kinky
Bellm98k · 26-30, M
You is a hoe ass bitch. Maybe you should die. I hope you burn in Hell you stupid ass hoe. X was trying to turn his life around and he died. Show some respect for him for trying to fix his life for the better.
princessElizabeth · 22-25, F
@Bellm98k okurrr
Hxjxhdjdjjd · 36-40, F
Go to hell bitch

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