When I post an inspirational post on Face Book its because someone has let me know they are going through some kind of trial ,so I add a post that fits
So when they see it they not only know I am thinking of them ,and also praying for them ,but "here is a little encouragement "
Most of the people in my friends list are "Religious" any way ,
I am not I just love God .
I am more famous for explaining the meaning of the scripture they post ,
More often than not ,it doesn't mean what they think it means .
The church is bad about that ,repeating the same scriptures over and over until everyone can quote them ,but they have no clue why Paul or Christ or whoever said the things they are repeating said what they said ,,so often I will put it in text and give other references so they can understand it ,not just keep repeating 1/2 truths that actually mean nothing if its not in line with Christs teachings.
I tell my friends to STOP sending posts around that if "we like and share this post" within 24 hours we get some special "Reward from God " for doing so.
Its doesn't work like that ,,you want a prayer answered ,pray for someone else
You want a blessing from God then Sow one ,,God rewards a cheerful giver .
But now not all of them are BS ,if you go to my wall
Everyone there means what they say ,or I un follow them
I do not add certain family members to my wall over the content of their posts or the posts of friends of friends ,my Grandkids are also following me too,
And they see not only the things I post ,but also the things my friends do .
So though they don't have virgin ears and in this world God knows they have seen and heard it all ,but not on my wall ,and I expect them to follow the same standard ,if it is counter to our beliefs ,DONT POST IT
So the world is full of "Religious People"
But when you examine their fruit (what is their example )It does not only hurt us
It is a good reason for the World to say were nuts
I warn my friends ,be who you say you are ,the truth will finally show if your not ,and no your don't have to be religious or even love God to be on my wall
You just have to respect that I am ,not religious ,I am a Believer in Christ
Not all who say "Lord Lord " love God
There is a difference ,,,His practice what they preach
So when they see it they not only know I am thinking of them ,and also praying for them ,but "here is a little encouragement "
Most of the people in my friends list are "Religious" any way ,
I am not I just love God .
I am more famous for explaining the meaning of the scripture they post ,
More often than not ,it doesn't mean what they think it means .
The church is bad about that ,repeating the same scriptures over and over until everyone can quote them ,but they have no clue why Paul or Christ or whoever said the things they are repeating said what they said ,,so often I will put it in text and give other references so they can understand it ,not just keep repeating 1/2 truths that actually mean nothing if its not in line with Christs teachings.
I tell my friends to STOP sending posts around that if "we like and share this post" within 24 hours we get some special "Reward from God " for doing so.
Its doesn't work like that ,,you want a prayer answered ,pray for someone else
You want a blessing from God then Sow one ,,God rewards a cheerful giver .
But now not all of them are BS ,if you go to my wall
Everyone there means what they say ,or I un follow them
I do not add certain family members to my wall over the content of their posts or the posts of friends of friends ,my Grandkids are also following me too,
And they see not only the things I post ,but also the things my friends do .
So though they don't have virgin ears and in this world God knows they have seen and heard it all ,but not on my wall ,and I expect them to follow the same standard ,if it is counter to our beliefs ,DONT POST IT
So the world is full of "Religious People"
But when you examine their fruit (what is their example )It does not only hurt us
It is a good reason for the World to say were nuts
I warn my friends ,be who you say you are ,the truth will finally show if your not ,and no your don't have to be religious or even love God to be on my wall
You just have to respect that I am ,not religious ,I am a Believer in Christ
Not all who say "Lord Lord " love God
There is a difference ,,,His practice what they preach
LadyGrace · 70-79
Hahaha....I imagine most mean them. And yes, we believe those quotes, but I don’t do that. I’m not on Facebook. They are just sharing, no harm meant. Some may find them inspirational and helpful. When I share my stories here, or teachings, I certainly do not do it for show. I just enjoy sharing, and if people don’t like to look at it, I imagine they will just move on. I haven’t had anyone swearing at me lately, so I guess they got used to me. Or else they are just ignoring me. 😂🤣

Just for thumbs up and nothing else
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
I ask them one question.
[image/video deleted]
Belladonna · 41-45, F
Unfollow or unfriend.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
Thanks for the BA ,I didn't say what I said for that ,but thank you
have a great day /or night ,whatever time zone your in
have a great day /or night ,whatever time zone your in

I don't see an issue with it. Ignore it or unfriend them
BehindHerTears · 31-35, F
I think it's just a show.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@BehindHerTears Maybe some, as in everything else, but not all.
5thApprentice · 31-35, M
Ignore lol
Mondayschild · F
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