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In this society.. What is a real free will?

Mamapolo2016 · F Best Comment
I think free will is not new, it's the same as it's always been.

The confusion appears to arise when we think we will be applauded or even tolerated when we exercise free will.

Free will is the ability to make our own choices, which we can. We can break speeding laws and many of us do. Free will does not absolve you of consequences. Get caught speeding and you will pay a fine.

Companies can persuade you that you will be smarter or sexier if you buy their product but they can't force you to buy it. If you do buy it, that's your choice to agree you WILL be smarter or sexier.
@Idontknowlol Yes, I do. Don't think that's not a burden. I often wish I were as sure about anything as some folks seem sure about everything.
Idontknowlol · 41-45, M
@Mamapolo2016 people talk alot and have big mouths. I call it lack of education.
@Idontknowlol I think we are being herded into pens. Not literally. There is so much noise now, it's often difficult to think. I think education is one of the chief herders.

A specific group of people decided they know what is best for us and set about convincing us it's true.

I find it remarkably difficult to find the truth. It's a simple matter to make something sound true. It's far more difficult and rare to prove it's true.

YouCanCallMeDan · 41-45, M
We all make our own decisions
@YouCanCallMeDan You're not one of them.
YouCanCallMeDan · 41-45, M
😂 you guys are funny. Are you choosing to be funny or can’t you help it?
@YouCanCallMeDan You're taking this a little too personal buddy.
frootjooce · 22-25, F
Don’t you think that we’d all just ruin ourselves with free will if we had it anyway?
Unlearn · 41-45, M
Courage is the new freewill...
Idontknowlol · 41-45, M
@Unlearn i like ur posts.
Getting dick slapped by George Bush.
Aydao · 26-30, M
Live in the woods
Trevo · 26-30, M
We don't have it.
I personally think there is a genuine danger in accepting the argument that we do not have free will.

If we don't have free will, then our behavior doesn't matter because the choice was not ours, it was foreordained. That relieves us of all responsibility.

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