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Ritesh · M
That's true one should be careful about it.
Ritesh · M
@GingerPeach Exactly! People should be more sensible!
@Ritesh And some people bring the problems on themselves because they know better but do it anyway.
Ritesh · M
@GingerPeach God knows what tempts them!! Sooner or later people will understand things!

I'm extremely paranoid when it comes to my personal information. I've had real life stalkers so I'm very careful about what I share, and with whom.
helenS · 36-40, F
@SW-User Privacy paranoia is a healthy thing.
Peapod · 61-69, F
@SW-User, same here! It's no joke.
@Peapod Even I have a stalker, if you can believe it. Claims he loves me.
Peapod · 61-69, F
Oh hell ya! Learned the hard way that if you get some online "friends" that aren't too stable, they will take anything you say or do (or DON'T!) and try and make your online life a living hell. The stalking can get pretty serious too with them needing to follow you from site to site.

I learned there are some really crazy people out there.
@Peapod If I want to share private things about myself I would do it in a PM and only with people I trust.
SuperA · 70-79, F
@SuperA 😉
Doing my best to be balanced around it, and having certain things I won't go into.
Same, and at times some who knows us better than the rest will unaware make a comment that might reveal more than what we appreciate. Meh.
SuperA · 70-79, F
@SapphicHeart I think there are more things I won't share tbh. I've seen too many friends get hurt.
@SapphicHeart Very true, good point.
SuperA · 70-79, F
I'm careful what I post and whereI post it. I don't post anything that could cause me future headaches.
@SuperA More people need to learn that.
SuperA · 70-79, F
@GingerPeach Definitely!
I only give out that info to Nigerian prince's
@SW-User you have large inheritance. Need 10,000 wire transfer. Pay back with millions when i arrive
Northwest · M
It's not just about stalkers or weirdos, it's about scam artists. They're very sophisticated, in how they approach you, and eventually get you to release information, while thinking you're volunteering the information yourself, without them asking for it.

It's a multi $B industry.
@Northwest Yes, that would be another thing we need to be careful of.
I am very careful who I share personal information with. I like to get to know someone for quite sometime before I even begin to trust them. Anything I’m told on here by Nybody else, I keep to myself and never share.
@SW-User I don't get why some people share so much info. when they know sites like this are great hunting grounds for stalkers and weirdos.
helenS · 36-40, F
I've never revealed anything about myself, neither pictures nor my exact location. I do not want to be identified.
@helenS Good keep it that way and you will be much safer.
I know a few that share way, way too much here and that scares me for them.
@SW-User I see it too and they are playing a dangerous game.
Peapod · 61-69, F
@GingerPeach, it's like watching a train wreck in slow motion.
@Peapod Exactly
No. Im kayla and i live in los angeles. Like find me hahah
Im 19 dont forget that
@TryingtoLava 😑 not making this easy Lava :)
Hahaha i just realized nobody knows what nationality i am
snowangelashley · 26-30, F
yeah, after my third credit card was stolen, I stopped answering THAT question online!
Ritesh · M
@snowangelashley Third???? :O
helenS · 36-40, F
@snowangelashley 🤣🤣🤣😂
indyjoe · 56-60, M
I'm here to share with others, to let people know who I really am. However I know of the risks that come long with it, I've experienced a lot of it even without a computer. I am cautious in what I say and share, careful to omit critical details. Example: I will tell what country and state, but never give a specific location. Or I have told some (not all) people in my circle my real name, but first only and never last ... and truth is the name I give is my real nick name that people call me and generally know me as, not my given birth name. so yeah, not TMI is important to me.🤠
I'm 52, live in Seattle WA, my name is David and I am a computer programmer. Is that too much information?
@UreBesFrend Yes. We are now married (I have the certificate to prove it) and I control your bank account David. 😇
@SW-User You know what you need to do to complete the ceremony. I believe it has to occur within the first two weeks. :)
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