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Are humans better at creation or destruction?

I think we must creattach more than we destroy. How else have we progressed this far. Destruction is more action and more flashy than creativity. We hear about death and destruction daily, hell, hourly and faster today. The creative things are more boring and so not news. But look at a car or a jet liner. Look at how many things are created to make them. We create things ourselves daily. I have just created a nice family room at my daughters and her husbands house. I won't be destroying it anytime soon. Multiply that times the billions of us and there is a whole lot of creating going on.
goagainsttheflow · 26-30, F
I don't know. Sometimes it seems they were solely placed in the world to destroy everything in their path, but other times the incredible things they can create is simply amazing!
sandman5678 · 61-69, M
Creation. Visit any self storage place and you will see that we have created more things than we have destroyed.
Carissimi · F
History proves we are amazing at creating. However, we also destroy a great deal. I think we are cruel more than anything.
TheProphet · M
I think most are better at destruction, but for the few of us who are gifted, creation is what they are best at.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
If we were better at destruction we wouldn't have so many buildings, cities, bridges, infrastructures, works of art, etc. With wars tearing much of these things down people will rebuild....I'd say we are better at creation but the ones with power are spawning wars and conflicts aimed at destruction.
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
Creation. I'm a positive thinker :)
Flutterby9812 · 56-60, F
So negative. I think it depends on the individual. We are all so quick to see the the dark and yet the creative side or light can shine so bright it's blinding. Open your eyes and your hearts.
Whatever humans create is lifeless and has byproduct .. because it's thought based.. thought is matter based and separative.. thought is necessary to create few helps we need like medical help, transportation etc...but personal thoughts are destroying the world..personal thoughts like Power, pride, I am Indian or American etc... it strengthens the ego, conditions the mind..that's why we are taught or believe that we are separate...where as deeply we all are same..Humans.
DrizztMajere · 41-45, M
On one hand you have a shit load of babies, on the other you have a shit load of bombs.
Destruction. Since they create things just to destroy more things.
CuriousDorchadas · 31-35, M
Naturally, I'm not sure. As is, destruction.
ichaivalrelic · 26-30, F
We create things only to end using them to destroy
Destruction ,it doesn't take any thought
I think we're good at both
Melpomene · 22-25, F
Creating another set of humans to destroy mankind.
There's all kinds

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