SW-User Best Comment
add a koffie/tea situation and maybe
add a koffie/tea situation and maybe

some local artists can put their work up and sell it there and you get commission
GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M
@SW-User One idea I have is to give a discount to those that return a book on their next purchase. Letting me sell the same books over and over.

Thank you Gun
Fernie · F
Around here they closed...the ones that were here for decades. Brick and mortar businesses are going to be obsolete at some point...many of them anyway...because of online shopping
Fernie · F
Around here they are all folding...mostly due to the internet. We had one here in Salem for many, many years and hearts were broken when it closed. I hate technology
Sarabee · 41-45
Add a small cafe inside and yes
Keraunos · 36-40, M
Depends on what you mean by "good". They're rarely in any way lucrative, if that's what you mean.
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Keraunos · 36-40, M
Could be true, for all I know. They're still pretty fun to visit. If they've been around for a few decades, you can find a lot of weird shit in them, including things that are just not available on Amazon and probably never will be. They remain actually useful sometimes, while places like Barnes & Noble serve no real purpose except as a catalog to browse and compile a shopping list for later purchase on the Internet, where anything you saw on the shelves can almost invariably be found for half the price.