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If I don't dye my hair till September, you can kill me lol
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Moonlight · 80-89, F
Incredulouse Oh really? Yeah true but I just don't understand why people don't like it or don't really accept it, like hey that's just the coolest thing ever!
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
Moonlight, yes it can; that's why it's very important to test a strand. Also, I recommend using a color protection shampoo&conditoner, and also, a leave-in conditioner.
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
It's the bleaching out of the natural hair color that can ruin hair if over processed; that's why they recommend strand tests before it's done.
Madelenie · 26-30, F
@moonlight okay I'll remind you in the last day of August then :P
Hmmm maybe? Or maybe some ash highlight XD
Madelenie · 26-30, F
Kind reminder: hope it's before you dye it
Moonlight · 80-89, F
@SsmoothieS: lol yeah I didn't dye it yet. And the only thing I know is that I have to, I just don't know will it fit me
Madelenie · 26-30, F
@moonlight oh ok. I'm going to dye mine maybe dark blue in Winter :P anyway hope it comes out the blue you want
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Waxas I know! That's just gorgeoussss
Moonlight · 80-89, F
SsmoothieS Lol unfortunately it's not mine, I meant that I just really have to dye it blue till September 🙂
Moonlight · 80-89, F
YNS Hmm ok. Thanks for the advice! 😊
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Rutterman Yeah that's amazing 😄
Moonlight · 80-89, F
YNS Oh yes! I just love that
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Lol ik I just have toooo
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
You're welcome.
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
I can't answer for you, but for me, it helps. Some damage occurs regardless, because of the chemicals in the dye itself, but with proper strand tests, and conditioning, it should be minimal.
Elegy · 46-50
I grew up dying my hair as a punk but it was never very socially acceptable. I like all the great bright colors people are dying their hair these days.

Of course it prohibits you from getting most high paying jobs outside of entertainment or certain service industry jobs.
Enchanted · 56-60, F
Moonlight · 80-89, F
OMG Exactly! PONY
Gallantio · 46-50, M
yeah cool, I've posted a picture like that, but it was a painting
This kind of dyes ruin the hair
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
No. It's recommended that your hair be at least 24 To 48 hours not washed, so the sebaceous glands (oil glands) on your scalp protect it.
Moonlight · 80-89, F
SsmoothieS lol kk I hope my hair will be blue at that time 😜 Haha ash highlight? Cool lol
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Awesomizer I don't think it will really ruin my hair. My hair is straight and soft so it's gonna be fine
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Waxas haha that's not mine, at least for now. I wanna dye blue it as soon as I can 😝
not many women over 80 have that color. not bad
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Lol yeah, creativity
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Ghostrider Yup, blue is my favorite color! I hope it will fit me
waxasxsk · 31-35, M
@moonlight yes,,,,,,,really amazing.......dont changge the colour of the hairs🙃
Moonlight · 80-89, F
@Ghostrider I guess you'd better not....
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Angelita Oh yes 🙃
UnderTheBridge · 51-55, M
Yep. It's magical. Go try it! 😊
Ghostrider · 51-55, M
That actually looks pretty cool.
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Gallantio Oh that's beautiful
Ghostrider · 51-55, M
Ok then. but it looks so lovely
UnderTheBridge · 51-55, M
Somehow it reminds me of the tails of my little pony.
Moonlight · 80-89, F
SsmoothieS OMG OMG really? I'll remember it then and will remind you in winter haha. 😊 Lol thanks same to you 😝 btw will you dye it with shades?
So, are you officially blue?
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Unfortunately not yet. But I hope I will be soon
Ghostrider · 51-55, M
Looks like something you would see on a child's doll.💙
Rutterman · 46-50, M
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Lol it is, but that's all.
waxasxsk · 31-35, M
wow coolllll..............
Moonlight · 80-89, F
YNS Do you think I could ask the barber to use the color protect shampoo and conditioners before the coloring? Hmm maybe I'll test a strand first then, but I just don't want to wait
Moonlight · 80-89, F
@Ghostrider lol why childs doll?
Moonlight · 80-89, F
YNS You mean that it can make my hair like a straw?
Madelenie · 26-30, F
You dyed it yourself??
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
Moonlight · 80-89, F
YNS Oh ok. Will it really protect my hair or just a little?
Wow that's hot
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Ikr? I just adore all that stuff!
Very pretty 😊
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Hehe 😊
Moonlight · 80-89, F
@Clone Lol why alien?
Ghostrider · 51-55, M
I am not sure. that's just what I thought.....maybe coz the colour is so bright and the style.
I would love to grab hold of it and kiss the back of your neck...

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