katielass · F
had a patient whose appendix ruptured one time and he went to surgery. never saw him again. Oh he lived, it's just that he didn't come back to my unit. You have excruciating pain? Feeling nauseated or throwing up? If so get to the ER, it could be appendicitis but doesn't necessarily mean it's ruptured.
Therock123 · 31-35, M
@katielass just had on and off pain on right side of belly button and feeling a little cold
katielass · F
@Therock123 Well, not everyone has the exact symptoms I think you should be safe, not sorry and get it checked out. I'll be honest and tell you I had a stroke and might not remember everything I should but the cold is causing me alarm. Please, it's very dangerous if it does rupture.

Mine ruptured when I was 10.
Therock123 · 31-35, M
@SW-User did you have any symptoms

@Therock123 yeah. High fever, vomiting, severe pain in the lower right abdominal area.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
the index type or that thingy at the end of your digestive tract?