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rckt148 · 61-69, M
To be fair, as a rule in posts I only add my opinion on a religious note if
if its tagged "Religious ",its about God ,or
someone is attacking a believer just because they have different opinions
or I know the one who made the post and they know I am not pushing a religious view on anyone ,but I do however share my testimony ,,especially when its someone saying God is not real like that settles it ,they have all the answers ,,
But I have a question that I get a lot of BS speculation ,but not an answer .
The little lady with the evolution models ready to bash all who believe in God ,
I leave her be ,she is entitled to her opinion and I not only respect that ,I support it .
And I learn a lot from talking with Agnostics and Atheists ,most of them know the Bible better that most Christians ,
There are alot of people who claim to be Children of God but the things they say ,the fruits that are suppose to show our character do not line up as one speaking for Christ ,they are quick to anger ,quick to judge ,quick to rebuke if you challenge their doctrine ,other than reason together and work toward seeing what the Word of God actually says and not the stuff some man taught them .
So I get your post ,but not sure its fair ,
all who believe in God here do not try to force an agenda on someone ,or their beliefs .
Unless you are a very good friend (Brother or Sister ) or they take the time to read my stories ,,most don't have a clue what I actually believe .
I am more into saying things that have something hid in it and only those who really want to know me will actually take the time to really read things I say and catch what I was actually saying .
It gives me another chance to learn ,people seem to like correcting the ignorance of others than actually give correction that is useful ,or an opinion that is kind and respectful ,even if it seems we don't agree ,you don't have to be rude ,most seem to get off on it .
But unless you are outright attacking me or my character
I will apologize ,and offer up real info about myself and ask can we start over .
I love God ,believe Christ is my Lord and Saviour ,but I can hold other conversations too .
I am not here to hurt anyone ,force a religion on anyone ,or make anyone believe my testimony or God is even real .God can handle Himself
I try to encourage others ,show kindness ,offer any help I can,share some of my other experiences .
But this site is about finding people who like the same things
I am not bashing anyone who likes porn ,or has a fetish .I show them respect
Thats all I ask ,to be allowed to have my opinion too ,and it respected as such .
We all are allowed to have our opinions here ,and we have the ability to block people who annoy us ,and we can also scroll on by their posts and leave them alone .
Thats what I do most of the time when people talk crap about Christ
As I said ,He is able to take care of Himself ,,He made this donkey listen .
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
I imagine you are presenting a skewed version
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
@Peekaboo20 Omg, are you one of those fifty year old newbies that doesn't know what a troll is?
Peekaboo20 · 26-30, F
@Jackaloftheazuresand Okay, a pest then. Better?
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
@Peekaboo20 Sure, so who are the two users? You can send it to me in a message since I don't support public outings.
I seen both sides acting badly
Peekaboo20 · 26-30, F
@SW-User I take your word for it.
Goralski · 51-55, M
It b trumps fault
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It is difficult to have a civil conversation without name calling.
Peekaboo20 · 26-30, F
@SW-User Is this a famous quote? It sounds like Samuel Clemens.
@Peekaboo20 I don't know. It might be. Only speaking about what often happens here on S.W.
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Peekaboo20 · 26-30, F
@Bootsiebaby No. I'm not that much of an activist. I just seek other opinions, is all.
It’s the classic “it applies to everyone else but not me” card.
katielass · F
That's funny, I can think of the twit who is constantly posting about evolution, or was, IDK I may have blocked her because she's boring. And I can't place the other one. May have blocked that one too for some reason
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Peekaboo20 · 26-30, F
@BinkyTinkles I've noticed their intolerance.
To create a monopoly?

I really don't think it's that big of a deal.

I know where I stand, and that's all that matters.

Why does it matter who is right? We are opinions on a digital screen.
Do you mean pushing as in they did a lot of stories? Or harassment? because if it's stories than that's one sided.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Dont worry about it.. They are going to pretty darned silly when there isnt a hereafter.
katielass · F
You can change your name but not your stupidity.

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