YouCanCallMeDan · 41-45, M
Yeah it’s really powerful but doesn’t last long. I had an out of body experience when I tried it
AliceMortem · 31-35, F
@YouCanCallMeDan that's the only upside that makes me want to smoke it. It's not like shrooms or LSD where the effects last ages
YouCanCallMeDan · 41-45, M
@AliceMortem I like mushrooms better to be honest. More fun
AliceMortem · 31-35, F
Haha that's what my bf says as well. I'll bite the bullet one day and try them
rottenrobi · 56-60, F
Divinorum? Yes, I have.
rottenrobi · 56-60, F
You really should be in a good place mentally before you take this drug. The good news is it's a relatively fast high, but it's deep.
Please be careful if you do it. Be with people you trust.
Maybe mushrooms would be a better choice. They're just fun.
Please be careful if you do it. Be with people you trust.
Maybe mushrooms would be a better choice. They're just fun.
Scarfface · 46-50, M
It's a risky herb, be careful

Never heard of I so no lol
Tinkerhell · 41-45, F
Hah I thought you said saliva.
Yes, once. I have enough problem staying mentally clear without drugs.
Damn pinky decided to post...
Yes, once. I have enough problem staying mentally clear without drugs.
Damn pinky decided to post...
RemovedUsername663019 · 31-35, M
Just write yourself a little note or write on your wrist that you're tripping the time you took it and shit will get weird and have fun it will end soon enjoy it! Always brought be great luck I've tried all the psychedelics lol