Test blood sugar, drink water ,take meds , fix breakfast ,hop on eliptical for 30 or so minutes , shower,fix breakfast for my son ,make lunches , get dressed ,...repeat
Davidarendale0 · 36-40, M
Pull the cats off my face cause they want food, Stumble around the kitchen for 15 minutes trying to remember how coffee is made to spite having made it the day before, go-to the bathroom, get dressed for work, leave for work, turn around when I an halfway to work cause I forgot to feed the cats.
oodlesofnoodles · 51-55, M
@Davidarendale0 i'm sure not everyone would turn around because they forgot to feed the cats.
make breakfast for everyone. pack lunches for everyone. sit down with breakfast and a coffee and internet for an hour. See the kids off to school. Get dressed either go to work or clean my house or work out
bijouxbroussard · F
Bathroom, test glucose, put on walking clothes and sneakers, go for my morning walk. When I get back I shower and fix breakfast.
oodlesofnoodles · 51-55, M
@bijouxbroussard do you walk no matter the weather?
bijouxbroussard · F
@oodlesofnoodles Usually, yes. Although at the beginning of the year I had a really bad cold and it was raining so I stayed in until the cold subsided.
oodlesofnoodles · 51-55, M
I don't have time to walk in the morning as I get up early for work but I try to walk in the evening, it does get really cold here in the winter sometimes so that usually that is my only reason not to. I applaud you for sticking to it.
FishingTech · 36-40, M
Get dressed and go to work
dumpstermeow · 41-45, F
Chat with my bestie on here for 2 or 3 messages, get up, pee, feed the cat, get dressed, go to work.