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waynekerr · 51-55, M
Buy collectible stuff cheap from charity shops and then sell it online at a profit (eBay or Facebook classifieds).
frequentlyme · 70-79, M
@waynekerr I know a couple of people who do that - they go to garage sales too, and while they don't get rich, they do make a surprising bit of change.
waynekerr · 51-55, M
I gave up working full time and do only that now for the last 5 years. It's true, you won't get rich overnight but it helps towards the bills.
There are a ton of jobs ideal for from home.
Am working with the vision impaired to guide them to opportunities.
Every industry has openings
Am working with the vision impaired to guide them to opportunities.
Every industry has openings
EugenieLaBorgia · F
I believe there still exists different companies who advertise on the internet for writers. The writer fills out basic details and may respond to legitimate requests either from individuals or companies themselves...
Warqueen · 36-40, F
@EugenieLaBorgia ty
SkunkyLover · M
just scam people from their money if you want money without leaving the house to do work
Warqueen · 36-40, F
@SkunkyLoverlol there is something called online work? Work from home
SkunkyLover · M
@Warqueen ya but still its a option...
Tracos · 51-55, M
You can always go camming ;)
Become a poker pro. Then give me a cut for the idea (50% only).
LookingForTheSummer · 31-35, M
you can be a cam model and I will be your mod haha