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another stupid thing i did as a kid

in 2010 when i was 9 yrs old i had a craze of wearing girl dress idk why. my aunt was there too who 16-17 yrs old that time. i was crazy to wear girl dress so she gave me to wear here old dress with skirt which she wore when she was 8 or 9 yrs old too. i wore it and put some lipstick and took photos. i looked like a little girl tbh. XD XD
Katy03 · 18-21, F
They'd have you labelled as gender fluid and sexually confused these days for doing something like that! Instead of it just being a kid like thing to do.
Katy03 · 18-21, F
@Maihoonshinchan They would in Britain now. They're teaching about gayness and gender dysmorphia in primary schools now! Theyd have pigeonholed you in the Q category - LGBTQ, queer being just too weird for the other categories!
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Katy03 · 18-21, F
@Maihoonshinchan Like labelled and categorised.
danielhamm · 22-25, M
Did you parents know about it?
danielhamm · 22-25, M
@Maihoonshinchan They were cool to let you do it :)
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danielhamm · 22-25, M
@Maihoonshinchan When I was 9 my parents would have beat me with the belt for such thing
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