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What is honor?

I would like this to be a long thread, let's stay civil people, and examine this important if vague concept.
To some people honor is often a code of rules that one follows but I want to keep this open to any one's thoughts
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SatanBurger · 36-40, F Best Comment
Back during hunter gatherer days, warring tribes would take each other prisoner and cannibalize each other. They did this because of two reasons, one is because over population meant pure starvation naturally causing scarcity and two because of honor codes and their belief systems of devouring their enemies.

It's sort of the same thing as saying "haha F you" lmao.

In my opinion honor is always about ego. I only say that in context of countries that have the warrior culture mentality, like with honor killings, when women and males can get killed for marrying into different caste systems. Their families want what they want at the expense of their daughters and sons, all because of centuries old prejudices and their more than willing to kill their loved ones because their frail egos say that the physical matters more at all costs.

In the old days you could get killed for making fun of whatever that societies God was at the time, you still can even in the U.S. For that reason, honor codes are a lot like visionary serial killers who think their righting the ills and woes of the world with their delusional based narratives. During religious crusades they were murdering people because of their imaginary version of a utopia that never happened.

They said all the godless heathens must die, they do wrong by God, their not like us, they don't look like us, their outsiders. Well who says? Obviously those religious people were much better moral people than us godless heathens dancing under the moonlight making pacts with the devil (hyperbole.)

How dare us? 😆

However sometimes what people see, is not really what is there in the first place. In psychology, they say the brain lies to us because it's a defense mechanism that allows us to survive with our mistakes.

However with that same mechanism, people can hurt others even with the best intentions in mind.

Speaking of proverbs lmao:

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Therefore, it's much better to practice being humble because at the end of this life every single living being including plants are going to leave that honor behind to grow more life out of the naturally present chaos. The sooner cultures get over themselves to realize they take life for granted in the stupidest way possible, the better.

All that matters is that you live without doing harm and if you do harm intentionally or unintentional and want to change how you are, either own up to it or if you can't own up to it.. learn from it. You can't change the past but you can make sure you don't do it to others.

We evolved as animals, we still have a primal lizard brain. This is NOT our fault, humans have to be taught logical consistency or we revert back to primal nature.

SatanBurger · 36-40, F
Oh hey! Thanks 😊

Steve42 · 56-60, M
A myth perpetuated by people who don't want to do something, but want to guilt trip, or shame someone else into doing it.
@Steve42 I have certainly seen that version.
Steve42 · 56-60, M
@plaguewatcher You must also be a veteran.
room101 · 51-55, M
To say that honour is a code of rules that one follows, makes it all sound rather simplistic and vague. Sorry if that’s not your intent, but that’s how I’ve read it.

To me, those rules are specific and centre around concepts of honesty and integrity and ethical behaviour. Of course, as with most complex ideas, those ideals are often bastardised and made to fit into whatever square hole one is trying to force a round peg into. However, that shouldn’t be accepted.

High ideals are important don’t you think?
@room101 I do!
It's doing what's right to you even though in the eyes of others you would be justified to do otherwise. It's leading by example.
valhalla · M
Something many people dont have.
revenant · F
a sense of dignity perhaps
katielass · F
Hard to define but it's like porn, you know it when you see it.
xSharp · 31-35, M
its not kicking the other guy in the nuts on the assumption that he also will not kick you in the nuts
Miram · 31-35, F
@xSharp I am glad I am not the only one here being bit uncivilised in the description 👺
Miram · 31-35, F
There were many harsh rumours about me growing up because of my rebelious nature and some events that took place..I was called a whore, a kafeer, a filthy Berber, a Jew..

It didn't really get to me until one day going in the cultural center, someone wrote my name in big characters and "pregnant unhonourable jewish whore" next to it in Arabic

When I complained to my grandfather about it, he said honour is like a degree. A degree gives the illusion that you are not stupid. And honour gives the illusion that you are not amoral.
@Miram thank you so much for sharing that remarkable and truly telling story.
Too often I have heard people complain that their honor was besmirched I think the only person who can do that is yourself
Thank you again for this eye-opening perspective
Miram · 31-35, F

You are welcome.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@Miram I got that in school as well! One time cheerleaders went to the principal to tell him that they were concerned I was pregnant. They did it to be mean and I was a virgin at the time, that was the worst part. People would make up lies about me to say I was partying and they "saw" me do things when the previous day I was in my house listening to music and reading books.

So the principal got a social worker involved even though I tried telling him that I wasn't. I also tried telling him that those cheerleaders were doing it on purpose and they made me take a test anyways, it was humiliating.
To me honor is living out who you say you stand for.
@Selfexpression ethical consistency in life! I like that one.
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
You mean honour?
@Flenflyys indeed no matter how you spell it. I blame my predictive text on this
symphonyssadness · 26-30, C
@symphonyssadness who's respect?
symphonyssadness · 26-30, C
@plaguewatcher Your own towards things in general.

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