HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
Is there some woods nearby where you live ?
Ivana · F
@HannibalMontanimal no way am i going in the woods
Juvenile detention center?
GentleJoe · 61-69, M
You can come over and watch tv with me.... or clean my house, if you're feeling energetic.
Pineapple · 100+, F
i used to hide out at home, friends houses or go to the park
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sroseb · 26-30, F
Stay in bed?
RainbowSprinkles · 26-30, F
Anywhere your parents won't see you.

jail.. you go to jail.
Ivana · F
@SW-User no way 😆
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
To the store and buy a wicked good kebab sandwhich
AshishBoy · 22-25, M
Stay home watch porn