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Can I see a photo of you?

:) if it's okay.
booboo · M
[image deleted]
amandra · 26-30, F
alright I think I'll have to be fair :) here's mine
[image deleted]
SweetMae · 70-79, F
[image deleted]
I'll delete it in 10 minutes, but...
[image deleted]
EarthWanderer · 31-35, M
[image deleted]

It was taken last night while in bed 🙄 Already explained why in one of my posts so before you send any hate, I'd advise you just to save it. Don't need that shit right now 😒 In a nutshell (I took it because 1. I'm not that confident with my appearance. 2. I needed a little cheering up so I thought I would take one. 3. I never take selfies because I'm not a very photogenic person & 4. Sorry that I don't have a top on 😂 Don't like wearing t-shirts in bed 🙄 Anyway...sorry for rambling. I'm not some creep btw as some people have messaged me saying (thank you very much) 😕 Again another reason why I don't generally post pictures on sites. I'd like to think that if you actually took the time to read my other posts, I'm sure you'd see that I'm not some creepy guy 😔
MaliaAgain · 36-40, F
sorry Im so late to the selfie party... the husband just told me about it

[image deleted]
we went shopping :)
[image - please log in to see this image]
impulsive · 26-30, M

i'll be serious and brave and post up a proper one of me since everyone else is doing it for realz and i don't wanna not be cool
[image deleted]
amandra · 26-30, F
those who shared their picture thank you :) at least I know you're not too paranoid to share yours :D
SweetMae · 70-79, F
Eat well, exercise and drink lots of water. Relax and enjoy life when you can.
SweetDreamsRubi · 31-35, F
Sterling I love your hair and your bathroom! 😄 lol
Sack's a normal looking guy? Wtf?
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Mines my profile pic.
Booboo I didn't know you were so handsome.. I think I'm in love. 😄
Sack I thought you'd be in a straight jacket or something lol.
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...If I haven't said it yet today, Sack...I hate you.
KingofPizza2 · 36-40, M

I pretty much look exactly like this.
SweetDreamsRubi · 31-35, F
and then he said that.... Lol
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Degbeme · 70-79, M
In the winter. ;)

[image deleted]
Suddenly everyone will forget all the nonsense Sack has spewed and will be all 😍 at him being a real live
amandra · 26-30, F
Awwww. That's alright ^~^ you're a beautiful couple :) good thing your husband told you ^_^
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Oh, I must have misunderstood.. I mean I seen pics but never your face. So I wasn't sure. 😉
impulsive · 26-30, M
@SweetMae I am indeed just that pure as a great deal of people who know me could attest to 😇
Not a hideous monster per se, just a dick mounted on a neck.
SweetDreamsRubi · 31-35, F
aw sack... Thats no way to be deleted. Stop being rude.
Haha! Sack is right.. I do ignore them lol.
Malia that's an awesome pic. 🙂
No, you didn't disappoint. 🙂
Coolboy I ain't no Mother Theresa..
Miss're simply stunning!
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SweetDreamsRubi · 31-35, F
and shes super sassy. 😉
SweetMae · 70-79, F
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EarthWanderer · 31-35, M
@MrsGearhead4 - you look totally rad 😁 Rocking the look 😎 Not to mention incredibly pretty 🙂 Stating the obvious though (duh!) 🙄 A well deserved shopping spree 👌🏻
Ghostrider · 51-55, M
I would show you but prefer pm. I have had people harassing me on another account and don't want them to do so on this one....
CathrynDsw · 31-35, F
people have to be careful showing there picture to strangers, no offense, maybe after you get to know someone a while it is best.
impulsive · 26-30, M
haha thanks Pink, it must be that mud bath i like going to every weekend, keeps my skin as smooth and fresh as a babies bottom
Nun awe.. I expected you to look different. Like older lol. You certainly don't look like a nun though. 😄
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I haven't turned invisible yet, if that's what you're asking. stupid experiments.

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