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Do i have to chat in msgs ?

One person called me cold person because i told him i prefer to be here and answer questions or make questions...
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Not if you dont want to, its peoples individual preference
Some people will try and guilt-trip you for attention but that’s just a sign that you should avoid them.
Hope you blocked him. It's your choice to do what you want to on here. It's nobody's business what you do or don't do on here.
Nope. You decide for yourself how you want to stay here, and who to talk with when and where, if at all. I hope you're aware that you can filter the messages.
whateverhappens · 26-30, F
girl i say the same thing, just ignore em
Beetlejuice68 · 56-60, M
How is that being cold? I say you are just being specific. Some people on here have way too many power/control issues!
Mordi · 31-35, M
Yes, it's in the site's Terms of Service. Must send at least 10 private messages every day or your account will be deleted.
Memike · 31-35, M
Its not being cold its more fun to read stories and ask questions then chat
Miram · 31-35, F
such an emotional dependency from his part, over an online interaction.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
What you have to do is to be comfortable and enjoy... No more, no less .. so get to it ;)
No one has to chat in msgs. This is entirely up to you.
CoffeeFirst · 56-60, F
Agree with @JustLikeGreta . That's ridiculous that he called you cold. We all make our own rules for this place within the TOS. I hate chatting, myself. But I like posting on stories and questions, and I like long messages. Oh, and walks in the park and fresh donuts and soft
It's completely up to you
Faust76 · 46-50, M
Well, different strokes for different people, BUT calling someone a cold person on basis of that is pretty jerky thing to do, and perhaps were wishing for some "hot" chat...
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
People get butt hurt when you won’t talk about doing the horizontal with them🤷🏻‍♀️
Bluesky53 · 61-69, M
I want to chat people if I think there's enough in commen,but question and make questions is good to,
Honeylove · 46-50, F
No you don't have to chat to anybody.
ChiRho · 31-35, M
Neah, you don't have to. Doesn't mean you're a cold person.
I almost never do
Aydao · 26-30, M
I think that person just got butthurted because you dont wanna please his needs,a typical jerk that only cares about himself.
Lol 😂 so your a cold person because you won’t private message a STRANGER online ? Lmao 😂 Yep I prefer questions and group re conversation. If people don’t get that then they can jog on and I’ll still sleep like a baby lol 😁
OnixBre · 31-35, M
So what? It's a personal opinion of the person, not an insult.

And the comments here are awful.
You cold. Brrr.
496sbc · 36-40, M
Wow good to know i was going to msg you. Ok now i wont.
People are weird. I talked to someone once and then got bored and didn't message back then they sent a message like I had hurt them and I wasn't nice. Yeah that's really gonna make me want to talk to you. Loser

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