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Is it ok to harass someone

Who has been charged with domestic violence? A guy who drinks in the same pub as me was charged with that in May. Since then, when he's in the pub he gets pushed around, tripped etc, sometimes someone will move as if to punch him and he'll cower, which makes everyone laugh. He's been spat on too, he's claimed that if it continues he'll call the police, I don't think that we're doing anything wrong though
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MartinII · 70-79, M
Completely agree with @suzie1960. Also, as several others have rightly said, it's none of your business. If he's tried and convicted, he'll serve his sentence. Meanwhile, and afterwards, you should leave him alone.
Picklebobble · 56-60, M
Bullying is bullying !
Makes no difference if it's him on his wife
Or others picking on him !
Criminal offence in either case !
I hear stuff like this and I'm glad I stick to myself.
Bad things happen when rumour and misguided support get taken as a licence to behave just as poorly.
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Why are you doing that? Punishment? To shame him?
Or you to vent?
Instead of bullying him, why you as the man that knows violence is wrong (see the irony) wont teach him how not to beat wifes, or anyone for that matter?

That's the only way to stop it.
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
You're just a low life bully, even worse than your victim. Have you even considered the possibility that he's innocent? It's quite likely he's the victim of his wife's violence. The vast majority of DV is 50-50. Remember, the police will charge a man with DV on the flimsiest of evidence or even no evidence at all. Any of you could easily find yourselves in the same position as your victim. I doubt you'll think it's so funny then.
@suzie as I've pointed out several times, the matter of you pretending to be a woman is a more pressing matter, your continued avoidance of the point suggests that I'm correct in my belief. You're a male, probably mid-late 60s, you can't claim to be younger than the age group you've stated, as you'd be caught out when you didn't understand things being discussed by younger members. You obviously have a dislike, and maybe a mistrust of women, you probably feel justified in pretending to be one, as you can make points that you believe women should be making by themselves. You're angry because you have, or had a genuine profile, but people didn't want to interact with you, you felt slighted, because you're already feeling old and in the way in the real world, then people on here made you feel the same way. You've never been married, but that's only because 'nice guys finish last' it's not because of your personality defect, of course. I believe that you had at least one child, probably a daughter, who cut ties with you when she left home, which further fuelled your dislike of females, because the fall out was your daughter's fault, of course.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
Most interesting is the way people abandon the need to know if he is guilty of what he is accused of. Without knowing his wife or gf an arrest is tantamount to guilt. When you harass him he is probably guilty of what he was charged with so you are probably not harassing an innocent man. But you really don't have a clue. It boils down to if you were accused of something would you want to be considered automatically guilty, if not why treat someone else like that. The golden rule they say, perhaps you should worry about things like which beer is best in the pub instead of these things.
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@ImSmallAndGettingSmaller. How do you know what he admitted to the police? Were you sitting in on the interview?

As someone has claimed he admitted it, I don't suppose you see any point to having a trial where the evidence can be tested in open court.

If you found yourself faced with some spurious, unsubstantiated allegation, I bet you would want the opportunity to refute it.
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@ImSmallAndGettingSmaller. What mistakes? Your question was quite clear, as is your belief that, by threatening and assaulting your victim, you're doing nothing wrong. If your victim were to inform the police of your crimes and you were charged, would you accept that fact alone as proof of your guilt?

You suggest I look at my sentence construction. Perhaps you should do likewise, you might spot your grammatical errors. Try using the nominative pronoun instead of the accusative.
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@suzie, by saying he admitted it, I mean he admitted it. He's aware that people know why he did it. He isn't sorry, or if he is, he's pretending not to be, he believes that he is in the right, because she was spending too much money on things from a particular catalogue
@suzie, I'm assuming you made those mistakes in your comment deliberately because I'd pointed previous ones out. To be perfectly honest, I believe that you're also deliberately misunderstanding the question, makes me wonder why...
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
Do any of you know the woman? Do you know what he did to be charged with this? If not leave him alone.
@sacks, maybe I'm just old fashioned, but I believe people should be allowed to spend their money as they see fit, do you want to control your partners finances?
@suzie, I assume I'm correct about you being a male. Don't you think what you're doing Is a bit weird. Forget my original post, I didn't know that you were lying about your sex at that point. You lying about, or being unaware of your sex, is more troubling. You've also failed to construct another sentence correctly, and yes, you're doing it deliberately for attention, as your 'mistake' is the very first line of your retort about mistakes I've told you that you made, that's not a coincidence.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
If the police have charged him, he should be left alone. Don't be vigilantes. It's being handled.
Both situations are wrong. I know you want to kick the living crap out of him but in doing so you stoop to his level. Let the courts handle him.
Aperson · M
A crime can't be the answer for another.
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@ImSmallAndGettingSmaller. You assume wrongly. That's not surprising considering your limited intelligence. You can't even point out the mistakes you claim I've made. Why is that?

I note you still haven't corrected the grammatical error in your initial post. You wrote
A guy who drinks in the same pub as me was charged with that in May.
That omits some words which are inferred by the case of the pronoun. If you meant to say he drinks in the same pub as you, inserting the missing words gives
A guy who drinks in the same pub as me [drink in] was charged with that in May.
Anyone as clever as you think you are should be able to correct that.
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suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@ImSmallAndGettingSmaller. Wrong yet again. Is that really the best you can do to refute my parguments? I get the impression you're just trolling. Why not just point out the mistakes you claim I've made?
@suzie, as I told a few other people, he choked his wife. He's admitted it to the police, his reason was that he thought she was spending too much money
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@ImSmallAndGettingSmaller. You said he admitted it to the police. Are you now claiming he admitted it to you personally? If so, why didn't you say so in the first place? Changing your story now raises doubts as to its veracity.

You say he believes he is in the right - just as you seem to think you and your thuggish friends are right to assault him. As I said in my first reply, you're just a low-life seeking an excuse for your gang's violence.
@suzie, you're pretending to be a woman, but I'm delusional? If you speak like Yoda from Star Wars, then you haven't made any mistakes, if you speak like a regular male of pension age, then yes, you have problems with sentence construction. I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that you are a man.
I can understand why you do it. Because let's face it people like that are cowards and bullies. But does it just make you the same as him but in a different way? 🤔 I dunno. Domestic violence is just unacceptable tho, for men and women.
suzie1960 · 61-69, F

Of course, in your view I can't possibly be a woman because a mere woman couldn't possibly get the better of you in debate.

If I've made mistakes, point them out or admit there aren't any. You have proven you are of low intellence, someone who canr't see anything wrong with assaulting a man by pushing him around, tripping him, spitting on him and making moves as if to punch him.

You must be one of those "real men" who speak with their fists because they don't have the brainpower to to put their points over in words.

I'm not qualified to provide you with the psychiatric help you clearly so desparately need. For your own sake, speak to your GP about your violent tendencies. Your inability to see anything worng with what you and your thuggish friends are doing suggest a psychopathic disorder -
@jagged, he choked his wife because he thought she'd been spending too much on things from a catalogue, she's claimed he's done it several times before
@small that sounds horrible :/
@suzie, I believe that you're a man. You're pretending to be a female, because you believe that more people will interact with you that way
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@ImSmallAndGettingSmaller. Wow! You really are delusional, you need serious psychiatric help. You just can't accept that a women can be more intelligent and better educated than you, a superior man.

There are a few men like you on various forums. Whenever a woman posts something a man can't refute logically; something that demonstrates she can think for herself; or simply something a man doesn't think she should say, she's accused of being a man pretending to be a woman. That helps maintain those men's delusions that women are incapable of logical thought and only say things men agree with them saying.

Now, can you point out the errors you claim I've made or not? Don't keep avoiding the issue. I note you don't even seem to understand my explanation of the error in your initial post.
@suzie, was my question 'is it ok to harass someone who has been charged with domestic violence'? Or' is it ok to harass someone whom I believe may have committed an act of domestic violence'? The problem is, you didn't read the question properly, and you're either too embarrassed, or too stupid to acknowledge your mistake. You've (tried) to be condescending, you may want to have a look at your sentence construction before trying something like that, it comes across as you trying to pretend to be intelligent, but as I eluded to, the sentence construction shows otherwise
@suzie I believe that you're a man, you pretend to be a woman because you believe that more people will interact with you that way. You're well aware of the mistakes you made, I believe that you did it deliberately, knowing that I, or someone else would point them out, believing that you were unaware, hence, more interaction toward you. If you are indeed a woman, you won't mind uploading a picture of yourself holding a sign reading 'I'm not as stupid as I pretend to be, it's only for attention'
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@ImSmallAndGettingSmaller. If you're as clever as you think you are, you can correct the grammatical error in your original post. Then you can point out the errors you claim I've made in my posts. If you think I'm going to let a thug like you have a picture of me, you're even more stupid than I thought.

I will admit to one mistake. I described you and your thuggish friends as moronic. That might be true of them but, on reflection, using the old psychological definitions ( ), I don't think you're that bright.
@sacks, he choked his wife because he thought she'd been spending too much money
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@ImSmallAndGettingSmaller. I read your question exactly as you wrote it. You asked "Is it ok to harass someone who has been charged with domestic violence?" You then atrtempt to justify that harrassment as if being charged is the same as being found guilty. It isn't but perhaps you're too stupid to understand that!

You come across as one of those moronic "real men" who think they can impress women by claiming to protect them while, all the time, we're just laughing at their pathetic antics.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
Yea...but if they simply took the guy out back and beat him useless then everyone would be praising them for beating his ass. Hypocrisy is America's middle name.

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