Fuk those people. 🤗
Rutterman · 46-50, M
It's especially frustrating when you've typed out an answer and then discover the question's been deleted.
Starz93 · F
I knowwww

Oh well.

I wouldn't worry about it. Its just nothing but voices
You should ignore it but I guess everyone's pride kicks in
You should ignore it but I guess everyone's pride kicks in
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SpaceAce · 31-35, M
Faust76 · 46-50, M
Or you answer, and they delete your helpful answer, or you answer and they delete the question right after, or you answer and they make another post about how dumb your answer is, or you answer and they block you, or you answer and they turn into a giant fire-breathing dragin, or...
retrowaves · 31-35, F
@Faust76 haha that too.
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