TheShanachie · 61-69, M
no,but I have been fortunate and not had the need to, just look at it as a temporary fix you will get back on your feet.
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JadeHel · 41-45, F
And anyone in their teens or early 20s, I have no idea why your answering this question. It was clearly meant for individuals who can relate a bit more
Both my parents were dead when I was 20. I wished that I had that security blanket of being able to move back in.

sounds like it'd be fairly to quite difficult. sorry.
UDontKnowMe · 80-89, M
By the time I was 33, I had lost both my parents and a son.
My husband and I moved in with my family when I was 20 something
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Delilah5 · F
The world is a harsh place. Many are doing the same.
JadeHel · 41-45, F
ImPhoenix I'll be paying rent, can't imagine if I wasn't. My step mom needs the help right now too. It's good for both of us but, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a hard decision.
FreeSpirit1 · F
Not me, My son moved out when he was 18 and back when he was 19. Life is hard and expensive

Time to ask for that peanut butter and jelly again no jk do what you feel is right for you
TheCoolestCat · 31-35, M
free food