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Comments on net neutrality?

Bean17 · 46-50, F
The people spoke. The Republicans didn’t listen and coulda cared less what the people wanted.🤦
hunkalove · 61-69, M
As much as I despise censorship and greed, maybe if fewer people, especially young people, were wasting their lives on the Internet the world would be a better place.
@hunkalove that's literally not 1% of it LOL. Idk if you've been to a classroom lately, but they're all filled with computers
@hunkalove not entirely, it still has to go through congress in like 2 months
Bean17 · 46-50, F
I agree. My son is a freshman in high school and every student is being issued out a chrome book. And it’s been that way for a few years now—only before they all had to bring their own personal devices for classroom use.@SelfProclaimedGangster
iQuit · F
:/ it's going to be horrible

in Mexico there is NO net neutrality and it shows when you try to surf the web while on vacation

certain apps are quick and some are expensive to use

on here you see which are free and if it's not on here you better know it is not worth trying to use because it will use up your data plan quickly
What disturbs me is how dogmatic some everyday people are as they do the work for ISPs in spreading their propaganda. How do they end up getting owned like that?
This reflects how weak the people are. We vote for people who are screwing us over and then don't want to speak up against it or withhold our vote against it
MrP123 · 31-35, M
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
I'm done hearing about it
A load of cobbles ???
This message was deleted by the author of the main post.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
@emptysoul44 Uh, dude, that was the Republicans. Obama created Net Neutrality.

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