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What was your last run in with the cops about?

Ticket or arrest?
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RemovedUsername8862 · 31-35, M
I was hanging out with some homeless guys and passing a joint, and the cops came by to tell us to go somewhere less visible or they'd make a point.
Luvbuttz · M
RemovedUsername8862 · 31-35, M
@Luvbuttz In my part of Cali, the police aren't bothered by it unless the smoke is putting off tourists or the decent folk or whatever.
Luvbuttz · M
RemovedUsername8862 · 31-35, M
@Luvbuttz Yeah, it's nice being able to day smoke. It reminds me of Oregon.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
@RemovedUsername8862 I heard about that. Best friend's brother got married [and recently divorced] to a chick from NorCal. She said they were chilling in a park, and everyone was smoking weed. Two guys were drinking alcohol, and a couple cops came by, ignored all the weed smokers, and arrested the guys drinking alcohol.

In my area in Texas, the cops also don't arrest people for smoking weed, but only in certain areas. But, because they know they'd get jumped, lul. Everyone else is fair game.
RemovedUsername8862 · 31-35, M
@Tatsumi Yeah, public intoxication's a big no no here, but weed's generally fine. Unless you're in a city with a specific municipal law against weed consumption, or you're by a school, you're good. Golden, even, come two and a half weeks and the recreational legalization of marijuana in California, fucking finally.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
@RemovedUsername8862 You lucky gun. Most of my formative years were spent in abject paranoia of police, lul. Though, my friends and I were caught like 5 different times, and they just warned us.

Ikr. The fact that Cali wasn't the first one to legalize it must have shocked like, everybody, lol. You know Texas is going to be last, though.
RemovedUsername8862 · 31-35, M
@Tatsumi Shit, I still spend my time in abject paranoia of the police. I've got a paranoia of "getting caught", even if I haven't done anything, and weed doesn't help.

And yeah, Texas and Oklahoma will take forever. Which is a pity, because I bet the Riverwalk would be awesome high.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
@RemovedUsername8862 Yeah, weed does have a tendency to instill paranoia. Though, strains with a high CBD to THC ratio are a lot less apt to cause anxiety. Unless you have a seriously good dealer, you probably don't even know what strain you're smoking. Well, that's how it was here. Only had a couple that actually told you the strain. Recreational weed will make that easier for people to know what they're getting.
RemovedUsername8862 · 31-35, M
@Tatsumi Dude, here it's strange if the dealer DOESN'T know the strain. That's bad weed.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
@RemovedUsername8862 Really? Well, Texas is probably different. Most dealers I had didn't know shit from shit. Just high grade, mid grade, and Mexican weed.
RemovedUsername8862 · 31-35, M
@Tatsumi Yeah! I've got three dealers, one of whom is homeless, and they can all give me the strain, the THC/CBD concentrations, and the sativa/indica balance for their stuff.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
@RemovedUsername8862 o_O Are you serious? I didn't even know about CBD/THC ratios until I was like 19. And I smoked weed 14-19. California man. Gotta be. Luckkky.
RemovedUsername8862 · 31-35, M
@Tatsumi Yep, I'm in California, but Cali's not a patch on Oregon, except maybe for NorCal. It helps that I only started smoking after it was legal in Oregon, so when I went to buy for the first time I went to a dispensary and they told me what to look for and all.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
@RemovedUsername8862 Ahhhh. You moved from Oregon to Cali? Why on Earth would you do that? :O
RemovedUsername8862 · 31-35, M
@Tatsumi Not my choice - I got a job offer near where my family lives with good pay, I'd graduated with no particular plans or other job offers, and inertia led me here. Now, I'm trying to get myself elsewhere, but I can't find a fucking job no matter how many applications I send. I want to get back up to the Ashland/Medford area, or maybe up to Salem, but instead I'm down in Central California, which is gorgeous but so expensive.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
@RemovedUsername8862 Ahh. That blows man. I'm sorry to hear that. But I'm sure something will come through if you keep pounding the pavement. But yeah, I've heard the stories of California's cost of living. One benefit to Texas, I suppose.

Central California. Probably not as dangerous as SoCal, but probably also more dangerous than Oregon?

Those friends I was telling you about live in Corvallis. Last time I checked, anyway. Heh. They made me wanna move to Oregon.
RemovedUsername8862 · 31-35, M
@Tatsumi Corvallis is a nice place - a pretty town indeed.

Parts of Central California can be dangerous, like Stockton or Oakland or whatever, but where I live I've never had problems, even when staggering home drunk or stoned.

Yeah, California's incredibly expensive, and also I just don't like Californians as much as I like most Oregonians. In general, if I had to pick a comparison word, Californians seem more shrill overall.

Man, gotta find a job, gotta find an apartment, gotta figure out how to get my shit there... And I've made no progress on getting up there in the last 6 months.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
@RemovedUsername8862 Oregonians, haha. Now I have to move to Oregon. I didn't even know they were called that. That's what I would imagine. Though, since Oregon is mostly liberals, I do wonder what level of arrogance or derision comes with that. What do you mean by shrill? Just loud and obnoxious?

Eek. Good luck with that man. @_@ I do not envy your issues.
RemovedUsername8862 · 31-35, M
@Tatsumi The "Oregon is all liberal" idea isn't really true. You get a string of pretty high blue concentrations along the I-5 spine in Portland, Salem, Eugene, Corvallis, and Ashland, but everywhere else is pretty conservative. Eastern Oregon especially is basically Idaho and Montana, and much of the rest if thorougly rural. Even in the major cities and towns, you get a pretty large number of Republicans. Medford, Roseburg, and Bend are all pretty red.

And yeah, that's a pretty good description of most of the white Californians around here!