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gemimaia · 26-30, F
Yes. I was connecting with someone that I felt for. I thought we were having mutual feelings but apparently not. I was giving him lots of advice and positivity, which he needed and appreciated because he was facing a crisis.
Then I needed him. And he just started ignoring me. I haven't heard from him in months. No reasoning behind why he stopped talking to me, he just threw me away. Drained me of my energy and tossed me aside. I have so much anger built up that I don't know if I should let it go or not.
Honeylove · 46-50, F
Let it go. That happened to me and I cut him off completely@gemimaia

fightingqueen · 41-45, F
yeah but u live n learn how to deal with it some people in this world r just complete and utter dicks and they don't care who they hurt.
I think you just have to be very cautious who u trust and the things you tell them.
By deciding I would no longer give them my time or the ability to affect my emotions
You can recover and move on by cutting that person off!
I think we all have. Time and reflection mostly.
thatdeadpanda · 26-30, F
Yeah. I just avoided her for a while
Miram · 31-35, F
Still working on the aftermath. I assume by learning what I can from the experience, forgiving myself and forgiving them at some point I may move on.
sillysweetgirl · 26-30, F
It was alot of disappointments on to the worst and final. I was part numb, part angery. I just did the best I could, day by day.
MellyMel22 · F
Yes.. It took awhile, but I got closure and saw who the person really was- not who I thought he was.
yeah.. keep finding things to take your mind off of them
Yes,they cannot reach me anymore and I feel much better than I did
takes time and lots of distractions
JohnOinger · 41-45, M

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