VioletRayne · 36-40, F
Yes. Don't tell anyone, but my original major in college was vocal music - classical which is basically Opera.
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Popmol mm is like hmm and opera is like opera music
popmol · 26-30, M
its medieval thing a guy took like a packet of lots of songs and poems and he made a whole symphony of it. like its arounjd 2 hours long but the o fortuna part is only a small part :p or maybe the song in the hall of the mountain king is fun :)
Degbeme · 70-79, M
I do like classical music and you might find this strange but I learned my appreciation for it from early cartoons. Quite often it was used in them. ;)

I started quite young....never too late for someone to start though. I wish I could find the time to play more than I gets in the way.
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popmol · 26-30, M
i wish i could explain now but sadly i have an appointment because my nephew is going to get married so i can explain later :p
lovebcups · 61-69, M
I got a taste for clasical music from my father and am gratefull for his gift of music .
Gallantio · 46-50, M
yep there is, not that awesome, but a good one. I may find and watch it tonight actually ;)

popmol · 26-30, M
i love carmina burana, and the part "O' Fortuna" is my favourite
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Popmol Wow really? it sounds really cool and interesting
Moonlight · 80-89, F
StrangeWorld Cool, unfortunately I don't know how to play
popmol · 26-30, M
i still don't understand the hmmm thing but i know what a opera is :p

Always been one of my favorites to play.
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Gallantio lol there's a Beethoven movie? I didn't know that
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Rayne Wow really? Do you still sing now?
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Gearhead Me toooo
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Yup and it kinda reminds me of mm opera? Lol
popmol · 26-30, M
well did you listen to o' fortuna?
Yes, favorite is canon in d
popmol · 26-30, M
what is mm opera? and thanks :p
Thanos · 31-35, M
I do and I have many favorites
popmol · 26-30, M
don't worry :) but i hope you like o fortuna :)
Gallantio · 46-50, M
ah watch that scene in the Beethoven movie where he suddenly starts playing it, you know he was half deaf, needed to lean on the piano to hear it
I love most classic everything

Lovely selection
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Popmol I'm even more curious now lol
lovebcups · 61-69, M
Wolfgang Motzart for me :)
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Popmol lol I don't know how to explain the hmm thing 😄
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Degbeme Lol well it's good tho
Cool :)
Moonlight · 80-89, F
StrangeWorld lol well im still young 😄 My sisters can play and they tried to teach me but it's kinda hard cuz all the keys seem to be the same for me
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Popmol I don't remember these ones, but I'll check it out 👌
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Molly It's still beautiful 🙂
Moonlight · 80-89, F
JP Cool!
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Oh cool then!
Thanos · 31-35, M
Yay same pinch
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Whokilled I have many favorites toooo
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Gearhead hehe
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Ohh well kk and good luck haha