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Picklebobble · 56-60, M
Last year of school
A girl named Joy.
We'd grown up together.
Couple of years later I even went to her wedding.
Last year of school
A girl named Joy.
We'd grown up together.
Couple of years later I even went to her wedding.
Sepia · 36-40, F
Strawberrymilk · F
i kinda dont know if i loved yet... i like people... but love ? either i have to high expectations from movie kind of love or i just dont get it
silentwriter180 · 56-60, F
@Moonlight, yes, I am ok, thank you. I'm still a bit cautious about the men in my life. I am now married, and he knows about the tribulations I've had and doesn't try anything that can bring things back. I still sit at the beach and release my tears, I still write about the fears and anger. It's all a part of me and how I deal with things. xo
Picklebobble · 56-60, M
We would share lots of things.
Hopes, fears, problems, laughter.
But she would always be hung up on a guy.
She'd tell me how she'd walk a certain route in order to 'bump into him' etc.
I was brave enough to ask her out once though!
We had both volunteered to support a patient at a 'fun day' at a local hospital.
It was a weird day to say the least!!!
But. We did laugh and talk of many things.
I'm sure she knew.
We would share lots of things.
Hopes, fears, problems, laughter.
But she would always be hung up on a guy.
She'd tell me how she'd walk a certain route in order to 'bump into him' etc.
I was brave enough to ask her out once though!
We had both volunteered to support a patient at a 'fun day' at a local hospital.
It was a weird day to say the least!!!
But. We did laugh and talk of many things.
I'm sure she knew.
CallmeHopelessNotRomantic · 46-50, F
He was seriously messed up. I posted a picture about him the other day

Moonlight · 80-89, F
Callme lol feel ya

I was 30 when I realized I was in love with a friend of mine.


Moonlight, no. I mean there was already someone else involved. I wouldn't get in the way. I can't make a person happy even if I love them. I had to go fix my life. If that makes sense. 

Moonlight · 80-89, F
SilentWriter I'm so sorry that you still remember it all. I hope that one day you will be completely free and that that man makes you happier and helps you. Xoxo 

CallmeHopelessNotRomantic · 46-50, F
I was 35. He's just a mistake now lol

Yes. I'm happy and they're happy. I might love again someday or not. It's good memories overall. 

elVato · 46-50, M
graduating college. i had bigger and better things to do.
worked out well.
worked out well.

It was four years ago- with a cute thirteen year old blonde named Missy.
elVato · 46-50, M
Christie Anne S.
Sometimes i think i should have stuck around.
Sometimes i think i should have stuck around.
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Eight oh im sorry to hear that
But everything's for good

Moonlight · 80-89, F
SilentWriter OMG! Im so so sorry! I just have no words to say
How are you? Are you okay?

Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
His name was Timothy...we were eight. It was grand!
callmecrazy · 46-50, F
His name was Ken and I was about 14 or 15.
Thanos · 31-35, M
Oh my distant second cousin back in 2012

Moonlight, no. It wasn't necessary.
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Hopelessnotromantic I hope so too. But when we're in love we're kinda blind
Liquidplasma · 46-50, M
No it unfortunately hasn't
Liquidplasma · 46-50, M
I'll let you know as soon as that happens
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Pickle Oh so you didn't tell her? 

Moonlight · 80-89, F
Stereo awww that's so cute!
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Strawberry Oh feel ya
elVato · 46-50, M
*golf clap*
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
meJess · F
a ninety pound athletic blonde
and she still is

and she still is

Picklebobble · 56-60, M
I married five years later and it all went to hell ten years after that!!
So the happiness thing is still a quest.
I married five years later and it all went to hell ten years after that!!
So the happiness thing is still a quest.
elVato · 46-50, M
the right choice.
Moonlight · 80-89, F
So try to make good choices in the future, that's the best you can do now i guess
CallmeHopelessNotRomantic · 46-50, F
I hope that nonsense ever happens again

Moonlight · 80-89, F
Eight I'm happy that your happy haha
Hope you find your love soon!

Moonlight · 80-89, F
Liquid Didn't happen till now? At all?
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Duh Well I hope you made the right choice
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Pickle I'm sorry
But it's never too late to find your happiness!

elVato · 46-50, M
let's just say life's been a string of bad choices.
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Liquid Well hope it will happen soon 

Moonlight · 80-89, F
Duh so why didn't you do that?
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Jess OMG im in love, she's so cute I just can't
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Eight He told you then? 

Moonlight · 80-89, F
Eight Did you tell him?
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Chernoby coffeee 

Moonlight · 80-89, F
Jade True 

Moonlight · 80-89, F
So that's not?
Moonlight · 80-89, F
Down Is that her name?
sadvicious · 22-25, F
lol in grade 4, I passed this girl named Marissa a note asking if she would kiss me under the tree. And then we dated steady through grade 4 until she dumped me for this new Croatian kid named Kiki lmao
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