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Today we have a Gay Parade

For โค๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ / Against ๐Ÿ™…?
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goagainsttheflow ยท 31-35, F
*Waits for people brave enough to say they're against* if an argument starts, tell me so I can get my popcorn ready.
CallmeHopelessNotRomantic ยท 46-50, F
Doesn't effect me. I say let people be themselves. They're not hurting anyone.
CallmeHopelessNotRomantic ยท 46-50, F
That's the problem with the world. Everyone thinks they need to have opinions in how others live their life.
Calmsoul ยท 31-35, M
Everyone has right to be whatever they want to be
SoulAsylum ยท 36-40, M
LastingSunshine, that's all he does.
NationalSocialist ยท 18-21, M
On what basis did you assume that I am just 'Assuming'.
You have nothing to say.say . if You have nothing to say then just don't say anything.

It's good that you only 'suspect' because I am a botany student I don't limit myself to it I am present in all other medical fields as well. I know it occurs in Plants they also have organs right?
In the case of animals we should argue in both ways Moral as well as Biological. Like religious people say Animals also eat their own children. I don't think they are wrong.
Also Transgender have a gender dysporia it is a disorder but from a few years Governments have tried to censor it am shut our mouths while it's the job of doctors and not politicians.
Go on with your argument.
goagainsttheflow ยท 31-35, F
@Icanandwill Dig in! There's plenty more popcorn where that came from!
I am against all parades.
goagainsttheflow ยท 31-35, F
@ican lol I made a fresh new batch of popcorn in case you wanted more.
goagainsttheflow ยท 31-35, F
*Grabs popcorn* I'm ready.
Goagainst thanks!

*grabs a handful of popcorn*
NationalSocialist - Tell us now if you are open to any reality other than the one you present to yourself. If you are not, there is no point in anyone trying to have a conversation with you about this subject.
If you want to talk pure facts, then homosexuality is 100% natural. It occurs in animals. But I suspect you don't want to talk biology, but rather morality. Morality by the way, is 100% made up.
NationalSocialist ยท 18-21, M
For me to reply you, you have to make a point that I'll argue on the opposite. I told you to "Go on with you argument".

When did I reply you that your judging it to be sensible, rational. First you have to make a doubt.

Why do you think it's natural? It's you who didn't reply.
Foul! NS

Making assumptions!
Moonlight ยท 80-89, F
Goralski Lol
...don't mind me..

*crunch crunch*

Flutterby9812 ยท 56-60, F
Do what you wish
Sure *crunch crunch*
*crunch crunch*
National - I said you didn't want to talk biology, and I was right. The reply you just gave me was not sensible, informative, or rational.
NationalSocialist ยท 18-21, M
VenusSnow, You still got nothing to say.
If you read again I have asked you like million times Why do you think it's 100 percent natural.
There's no answer from you but just your attitude.
SoulAsylum ยท 36-40, M
DO WHATEVER YOU WANT AS LONG AS IT'S NOT HURTING ANYONE, paedophiles are hurting someone. You are comparing two extremely different things.
NationalSocialist ยท 18-21, M

I am not talking about opinions I am trying to talk about facts that offend people and this person from a Venus where it snows has diverted my argument.
NationalSocialist ยท 18-21, M
Did you read my reply. I clearly reject that I addressed your comment. I just told you that I am alive for a rational debate and you assumed that's my answer.

For me 'Address your initial comment' you have to tell me why Homosexuality is natural. Otherwise I have nothing to argue against, you're just talking grammar.
SoulAsylum ยท 36-40, M
People should do whatever makes them happy and doesn't hurt anyone.
Moonlight ยท 80-89, F
National So you think that they're not really in love?
goagainsttheflow ยท 31-35, F
@moonlight Fresh, warn, and nicely buttered, thank you!
Goagainst, can I have some of that popcorn?
National - Nice try kid.
National - you are raving. I know you think you're having a conversation with me right now...but hun, you're just screaming at the padded wall of your cell.
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goagainsttheflow ยท 31-35, F
Justmia lol!
Moonlight ยท 80-89, F
Ican Gosh ๐Ÿ˜‚
Moonlight ยท 80-89, F
Goagainst Cool haha
I don't have a frock to wear
Moonlight ยท 80-89, F
Goagainst Hahaha
I'm bedazzling my swimsuit as we speak
@NationalSocialist you're trolling again!
NationalSocialist ยท 18-21, M

Point me a single sentence in which I lied. I will leave this site right now.

All I asked and I am still asking is why do you think Homosexuality is natural that too '100%'. You've still not answered. What does that mean.
NationalSocialist ยท 18-21, M
Yes Against.
Pedophilia, Incest, bestiallity, Necrophilia will all be justified one day. With the justification for Homosexuality others will follow the suit too.

Sad Reality.
People think it's natural to be gay, while I have never heard of a gay chromosome inherited during intercourse.

If it's natural then not sexually but mentally.
Moonlight ยท 80-89, F
Venus and National whatever, just stop it guys, everyone has his own opinion
Moonlight ยท 80-89, F
Mia and that's the reason why you're against?
Moonlight ยท 80-89, F
Justmia what's the reason?
Moonlight ยท 80-89, F
Callme People will always do that
Moonlight ยท 80-89, F
Goagainst how's your popcorn?
Moonlight ยท 80-89, F
Justmia so?
National - If you think you addressed my initial comment, you are delusional.

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