The world has declared peace.

Headlines rocks
psynchedpsyche212 · 36-40, M
@lastingsunshine, 😯 Wise words. Also
" if ya want to destroy something then destroy your negative thinking." 😉
" if ya want to destroy something then destroy your negative thinking." 😉
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@psynchedpsyche212 oh well we will still have some ads but that's pretty much it :o
You can't be positive and a realist at the same time, can you?
You can't be positive and a realist at the same time, can you?
psynchedpsyche212 · 36-40, M
@lastingsunshine dig a little deeper, be a positive journo for 1 day 😀?

@psynchedpsyche212 yeah I try, but you should always expect disappointments and negative stuff
psynchedpsyche212 · 36-40, M
@old, can ya elaborate I have yet to see the film?
"monday cancelled , world goes back to sleep"

"An asteroid is heading to planet earth"
queenofhearts · 41-45, F

I'd choose everything that's not about politics, rape and murder. But wait there will never be any headlines then...