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Are we now In State Of Civil Unrest

So, we have more dead police officers in Baton Rouge. I wonder how long it will be before we all acquire a third world response to every loud noise. Duck and cover every time a car backfires, condition yellow while grocery shopping and never leave the house without a gun. We are in a real fix here friends! It will be you and I that solve this mess, the government won't; the government can't. We will be called the new WEST BANK if this continues.

Not on a soap box here. Just tired of seeing what a lot of people fought and died for, GO TO HADES IN A HAND CART. If I am being over sensitive here tell me. I am a big boy, I can take it.
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xladixdisillusionedx · 31-35, F
Not to be pessimistic but it was bound to happen. We have only accomplished so much and apparently it isn't enough. Until everyone feels equal and safe there will continue to be unrest.
VibrantVixen · 46-50, F
It's unreal to me the vast number of hate-inspired violent and deadly attacks that have happened in our "civilized" country in recent months. I feel almost as though I'm becoming numb to them as they are seeming common now. But media and politics only strive to separate us instead of bring us together. Until people see this as a human against human problem instead of race, power, religion, etc problem I only see it getting worse.
Malingermind · 51-55, M
BATOVN:I am just ticked off. I did not offer myself up for target practice on the other side of the world, to have the same standard of gunfire here.
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
i think youve nailed the deal totally square........its time the SITIZENS take back the country and remove the lifetime polititians and start over!!!!!!!
LegendofPeza · 61-69, M
It looks like the phony civil war might just be over. Seems like the perfect backdrop to Trump's Presidential tilt.
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
its VERY unsettling.........we have allowed the inmates to run the asylum and now the media is promoting it and the politicians are feeding onit. the very people that could help solve it are egging it on
Malingermind · 51-55, M
The wise saw this coming 20 years ago. We should have listened.
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
@VV you said a mouthful there my friend!!!! thats exactly it!!
Pretzel · 61-69, M
It's crazy - and the response from the cops won't be pretty
PsychoMantis · 36-40, M
Can't escape death people die everyday.
Cinnamon · 31-35, F
Malingermind · 51-55, M
Politics as is, IS A FAILURE.
coolboy86 · 36-40, M
don't care
Will we be under martial law?

This is truly ridiculous
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
We are in a state of civil unrest.

Killing police will never solve police fact, it will take away from the discussion about it and cause a slower response to it , if there is a real response at all.

I still do not believe more guns are the answer..I am floored people believe it is.

I do not know but I am becoming more terrified by the day.
If it's not intended to "stir" the pot (assuming that's what you meant), what IS your motive ? We apparently cannot discuss this without people bringing their racist crap into it (and if you don't believe me take a look at previous questions). The police have been shooting people without due process for some time now. There have been protests, but nothing's changing. So now some people have started shooting police. And no, I don't see THAT solving a damn thing, either. But that's where we are. And what you're describing has been "just another day in the life of" for more people than you might imagine. It should've been something everyone was concerned about before it reached the suburbs.
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icyreb · M
civil unrest? its simply blacks showcasing their racism.
PsychoMantis · 36-40, M
Good the world is fucked, who cares, we are all destine to die. Can't escape death.

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