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Military Draft/Voting Opinions of Respondents

So I asked a loaded question to see what kind of response I got. I waited an hour and reviewed respondent's first impression (ignoring subsequent comments therein).

The question was "Should women be able to vote even though they don't sign up for the draft?"

No one believed women should be excluded from voting and I didn't expect anyone too.

20 people responded, 9 males, 8 females, and 3 unknowns. I broke responses down into seven categories based off the answers I got:

Positive Answer (women should sign up for draft)
Negative Answer (Women shouldn'y sign up for draft)
No one signs up for the draft
Women do sign up for the draft
Gave off topic answer (Said something off topic)
Did not know (Literally "I don't know")
Insulted me (I didn't count insults with an actual answer)

The top three responses:

30% if respondents believe no one signs up for the draft.
20% gave off topic answers
15% feel women should be able to vote and still not have to sign up for the draft.

Males predominately denied the existence of a draft.

Females had answers in all seven categories, the most, being two, were off topic answers.

Disclosing my views, I think women should sign up for the draft, because males are required by law. It's a service to the country, however insignificant in current times (draft is inactive).

Only 10% of respondents agreed with my views. One male and one female.

I think it's sexist to require men to sign up under penalty of law and allow women to enjoy all the rights without putting in any of the risk. Some do, yes, many do, but they're not REQUIRED too under penalty of law. Congress shall pass no law that discriminates and race, gender....
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I hear they did studies where groups of men did better than groups of men and women when it came to the military(look it up if you want, I could be wrong)
There isnt a draft in affect since the military has volunteers and can afford to turn away 70% of those who do wish to join at the moment, they can be more picky about who gets in.
I hear women have to start signing up in 2018, but that might be overturned if women seem to not fair as good as the men when in training.
They go by birthdates when choosing who will be drafted(or thats what they used to do when there was a draft)
So not everyone would be chosen.And you still have to go through training and physical exams and they test how well you are mentally as well.(so I hear)
Just putting my input in since Im drugged up on painkillers and bored.
@quietlitany I wanted to sign up(as weird as that sounds) since considering I have PTSD as it is and issues with my heart, nah...I think Im pretty useless, I wouldnt pass.
@quietlitany Pretty much.I would expect a huge backlash. I dont know how it would work if you were.drafted and had a family and you're the only adult.
@quietlitany I hear a lot of women were failing the bootcamps more than men(maybe body mass differences?:/ )
HotMessExpress102 · 41-45, F
I'm just going to chime in here a wee bit... I can't give you a proper educated opinion on the question. I will say that if we strive for equality, then equal it should be.
However, I read all of the comments and I was shocked to see how ignorant and rude people are. They were so quick to slice your head off without even giving you or the question a second thought. To me that's just asinine!
Kudos to you for bringing up the hard stuff in discussion and being strong enough to not lash out! 👍🏻💪🏻👊🏻💥

Crap! I'm in the 20% off topic category 😜
Alabamian · 26-30, F
lorne13 · 61-69, M
You have to admit, its also sexist to give the vote to obly 1 gender
quietlitany · 36-40, M
@lorne13 If that gender is taking all the risks, I don't think it's fair to call it sexist. However, that's not the case. What is the actual case is that 1 gender is required too and the other is not.
quietlitany · 36-40, M
@quietlitany Best part is, more than half the respondents dont have a problem with that. That to me is the actual sexism.
I too, think no one should have to sign up for the draft. I remember when conscription ended. That would also be equal and fair. We can’t justify forcing anyone to serve while excluding able-bodied volunteers because of sexual orientation or gender identity.
quietlitany · 36-40, M
@bijouxbroussard I think it's very sad, conscription that is.
@quietlitany Neither or both—like in Israel, for example. But preferably neither.

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