SapphicHeart · F
You ask a girl out, she finds you nice but not interested in you. How would you like her to respond to you?

You should have said you don't date people you work with...
WildernessWriterExplorer · 31-35, M
Be honest with her but be respectful.
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
You can always say that while you enjoy her company, you don't wish to become involved with a coworker.
Shaun · 26-30, M
Why don't you two go out? You might gain interest, or she might lose interest. Either way it works out well.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Got that many friends you can't use another ?
Tell her you're flattered but right now you're not really looking for a relationship.
But be sure to let her know that that's no reason you can't be friends.
Tell her you're flattered but right now you're not really looking for a relationship.
But be sure to let her know that that's no reason you can't be friends.
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
Tell her you are already in a relationship.
coolboy86 · 36-40, M
ill never forget a girl in tenth grade gave me a note saying im really cool and asking if i would go out with her i said no i mean she wasnt really that good looking looking back now i wouldve said yes just to get some action

Tell her you're gay