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What was your most embarrassing moment ever

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@SW-User What she said. ☝🏼🤐
philjames53 · 61-69, M
@LunadelobosIAMTHEDRAGON another spoil sport lol
@philjames53 Do you like to whine this much?

Maybe you need some crackers an cheese also ? :)
Brookeeboop · 41-45, F
I think most of my most embarrassing moments i can't fully remember because i was drunk. Peeing in someone's closet, waking up strapped to a hospital bed with piss soaked pants. Doing the splits at public dancehalls. I've been sober for over 2 yrs.
philjames53 · 61-69, M
@Brookeeboop 2 years, thats great, keep it up
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
None of your business
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@philjames53 and you don't own this site so you can't tell me what to do.
philjames53 · 61-69, M
@Abbenthewarwolf well stick to your own age group then and dont comment on adults stories or questions, i can get you block if i find out your an old man pretending to be a child
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@philjames53 I don't have to stick to anything. And you can do whatever you want to. go ahead and see who gets blocked
posting tons of insane shit on Facebook while psychotic in front of fucking everyone, omg I still cringe
@SW-User It can suck you in.
I UN-joined many groups.
And there is SUCH utter RUBBISH in serious topics.

I have family there, that post ALL the time.
Like, she NEEDS and lives off the energy of her supporters.

I am looking to be fortified from within,
not from without.
@LunadelobosIAMTHEDRAGON you can't say anything on Fakebook, not anything that matters anyway, because everything is under such scrutiny. I hate Facebook for all the reasons I liked EP.
@SW-User holy SHT you got THAT right.
I will always hold EP as my benchmark perfect site.
I mean the ALPHA version, golden days of EP :D 💓🥂

Get this: When I became ACTIVE on FB; And, I'd been a member for over 5 years. Very INactive lol...
So, there I was, adding groups left right and centre.

FING SHT: FB BANNED me for two week, due to *suspicious spam activity* !!!
I still could do some incidental stuff; but nothing that mattered.


Writing to them and explaining in excruciating DETAIL was USELESS.



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