Tminus6453 · M
You were told not to leave the premises in the first place...😕✋
xRockGlossPrincessx · 26-30, F
I’m sorry but some people told me to take a break as well. The amount of rudeness I was getting was starting to get to me. @Tminus6453

Hi visitor from another time and space 👋
xRockGlossPrincessx · 26-30, F
Hi! 👋🏻 @SW-User
You are supposed to STAY.
xRockGlossPrincessx · 26-30, F
@Elandra77 Sorry, to many rude people. :(
@xRockGlossPrincessx True. And I am sorry your experience has been that way on here. i would also appreciate a more refined site.
This place has the manners and vulgarity of the corner dive bar in some nameless town.
This place has the manners and vulgarity of the corner dive bar in some nameless town.