hopefuldreamer · 36-40, F
Yes, so that they can get a life.Now I think thoughts are too living things as they influence life to an extent.Just wondering if they were alive things what would have happen.
Niethernor · 51-55, T
They did when I was growing up. Until I was in my mid 30's and realized that all my issues where my own. It was me that couldn't cope with how the world was, not the other way around. :)
Saving me from the humdrum would be the better way to state in my context.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I like raisins!
Novaturient81 · 41-45, F
Pretty much.
SailorMarz · F
So much yes

Nah, they're more like white noise.

No the fucking arseholes I’m surrounded by are.