Faust76 · 46-50, M
*hides the lighter* Wasn't me!
Niethernor · 51-55, T
@Faust76 *best school mistress face*, "are you sure now?" ;)
Faust76 · 46-50, M
@Niethernor Raises the question, if you say "Wasn't me, I swear", can you still get detention for swearing?
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Niethernor · 51-55, T
@MrBrownstone in what way(s)?
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@Niethernor We don’t live in mud huts. We can speak. Advanced medicine.

In some ways, .... in others, making fire was our peak moment.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@SW-User I would say controlling electricity was.
Niethernor · 51-55, T
@SW-User agreed. :) x
Graciebaby · F
Ask most people to start a fire from scratch.
Wouldnt have a clue.
So backwards is my guess.
Wouldnt have a clue.
So backwards is my guess.
Niethernor · 51-55, T
@Graciebaby perfect answer :D x