@ pinkrainbowkisses: I would utilize this feature if I am tired and/or don't want to be disturbed. WHY else do you like it? :)
I am genuinely curious, I *see* many who employ this feature, while online.
Thanks to each and every one of the hard working people who are responsible for the continuing progress of SW. You don't get enough credit for the extremely impressive job you all are doing. Thanks again.
i really want the app now , oh and to able to reply to others like on ep rather than always having to type in @ and their username for them to know youre talking to them
Not slow at all here... I flicked from one page to the next and everything had just... changed!
@wotevatogeva: Honestly I don't know, but an Andrew who specializes in social media does make me think about "our Andrew" indeed. xD But well, world wide there probably are more people who fit that description, so we'll never be sure unless Andrew answers that himself. ;)
I've heard that from two people now and in both cases it was caused by a rather big Windows update. That's probably going to affect more people over the next few hours/days, but it's only temporary. When the update is finished, the computer works as fast as ever and SW with it.
An interesting idea on the privacy options for messages would be to have two different numbers on the email notification icon. One number on the top would be your inbox count. A second number on the bottom would be your message requests. People who want to always ignore the message requests could still do so, but having that secondary notification would be useful for people who want to occasionally screen through those requests.
Could I make a suggestion.Could SW have an adult site as I have come across some objectionable "adult" posting. An "adult" site would keep the people who like "risque" posts happy and spare those who do not.Thank you.
@Jessa29: I think you have misunderstood me I do not want to come across "adult" posts and have said so in the settings,I have had many friends requests from people who like strong adult material and have blocked them, My request was for NON ADULT, I do not want to have to read some of that stuff. Thank you.
Privacy options for messages. I'm not a fan of private messaging. And I actually am not liking the instant notifications since they keep getting in the way while I'm typing and it only just started. Maybe it's just my phone. 😒