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cereal · 22-25, F
Bad idea. Drinking in moderation can be good for adults, but for children its detrimental to their health and the development of their brain. Maybe when they're 18, but before then? Horrible idea.

Roseanator · 26-30, F
That's how my parents where. I turned out great, went to trade school, work full time and do what ever I want. But my sister is a low life now, dropped out of high school, has 2 kids and works at McDonald's while her husband is in prison and she has a boyfriend. Make sure you sill push good vales and teach them how to drink responsibility. Need to find a balance. I don't disagree with you. I do that with my cousins. But I know they're responsible and I don't want other kids to teach them how to drink.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
I mean, I guess I can't really stop them, because I'm not going to shut them in the house of follow them everywhere they go, but I would strongly discourage them from drinking, not just underage but drinking at all. I hate alcohol and I don't like to be around people who are drinking it. It smells bad, it tastes worse, it's unhealthy, and it makes people act like brain dead cave people.
TheProphet · M
We let our kids and their friends drink at our house, but no one could leave.
silkandlace · 46-50, M
I see your point, and many other parents feel the same, but gosh, i don't want them to have even the chance of where i am
RosaDawn · 46-50, F
I would for a special occasion but not because they re doing to do it anyway. Try me... Good luck.
I live in Texas so if I ever have kids legally I can give it to them here.
I don't drink.. Hopefully my kids wont have any interest in it either
Deadcutie · 18-21, F
Only if I gave it to them

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