Pitchblue Best Comment
I don't like the idea of anyone telling a woman what she can or cannot do with her own body. Do they think they own all the women in the country?
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@Pitchblue do you think women get pregnant by themselves? Only a fool would utter such nonsense As you.how did you become.did you not have a sire? A Father?? Their body More like everybody's body a whore!!! A street walking tramp .unfit to bare a child.a living being. These are the devils daughters
@Abbenthewarwolf The devil is inside you.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@Pitchblue no fool the devils live in the souls of the Lost those who love to indulge in the pleasures of the flash.lustng and full of Filth . food for the devil.you will die a horrific death my prophecy.
Miram · 31-35, F
I am both pro-life and pro-choice.
Human life begins at conception to me. I wouldn't have sex unless I am ready to have a child.
But that doesn't mean I am into forcing my morality upon the masses.
As a medical practitioner, I wouldn't interfere in someone else's choices. I will in no way parent or provide for this future child so it is not up to me. And it is not a medical advice.
I also avoid engaging in abortion surgeries unless it is a necessity and connected to the mother's well being.
I don't see pro life policies as solutions. The true solutions are in improving the quality of life, teaching people to look at sex as more than pleasure, to use birth control, and to focus on more aspects in life than mating, better education..etc.
Sorry for the typos and misspelled words. I will edit my answer later.
Human life begins at conception to me. I wouldn't have sex unless I am ready to have a child.
But that doesn't mean I am into forcing my morality upon the masses.
As a medical practitioner, I wouldn't interfere in someone else's choices. I will in no way parent or provide for this future child so it is not up to me. And it is not a medical advice.
I also avoid engaging in abortion surgeries unless it is a necessity and connected to the mother's well being.
I don't see pro life policies as solutions. The true solutions are in improving the quality of life, teaching people to look at sex as more than pleasure, to use birth control, and to focus on more aspects in life than mating, better education..etc.
Sorry for the typos and misspelled words. I will edit my answer later.

against. Its funny how pro-life is prolife but pro-death is all of a sudden pro-choice. VERY convenient...
princessElizabeth · 22-25, F
@SW-User umm huntyy pro-choice isn't pro-death. It's pro-CHOICE meaning a decision should be allowed to be made
JP1119 · 36-40, M
@SW-User It's funny how pro-life really isn't pro-life, it's just anti-access to clean, safe abortions performed by trained professionals. It's pro-black market abortions.
MikefromEP · 56-60, M
The pro lifer's that have killed abortion doctors seem confused.. don't you think?
It's a little messed up.@MikefromEP
JP1119 · 36-40, M
I'm pro-choice, and if you're pro-choice too, as you say you are, don't call the other side "pro-lifers", that's a terrible way to frame the debate. How can there possibly be anything negative about a position that's "pro-life"? They're not really pro-life, they're just anti-clean, safe abortions performed by trained professionals. If you think about it, they're pro-back alley abortions performed by charlatans with coat hangers. That way the fetus still ends up dead, and the woman likely ends up sick, badly mutilated, or maybe dead too. That's even more suffering/death than a legally performed abortion would entail.
So don't say pro-life, it gives them an unfair advantage in the discussion.
So don't say pro-life, it gives them an unfair advantage in the discussion.
GreenGoddess · F
Pro-choice. So many babies are born with no one to take care of them, what kind of life is that?
JP1119 · 36-40, M
@GreenGoddess I kind of think it's probably still better than no life at all, at least the kid would have a chance. We need to have better social programs to help find homes for those kinds of kids and give their parents at least the basics that they need to be able to care for them. Don't get me wrong, I'm pro-choice too, but I don't rationalize it by saying the kids are better off dead than being born poor and homeless.
GreenGoddess · F
@JP1119 I'm not saying they're better off dead, I'm saying that as a new parent myself it's your responsibility to provide and care for any life you bring into the world. If you aren't equiped to do such a thing you shouldn't have children.
Datdudeblack · 36-40, M
pro-choice. i dont like people telling others what to do on anything that has nothing to do with them.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
I believe all human life is sacred including life in the womb.
I feel bad about it. After a baby is born, people often recognize its personality from how it was moving in the womb. People talk about an unborn child as "the baby." More and more you hear of people naming their children well before they're born, announcing their gender, etc. Yet it is supposed to be OK to kill an unborn child? I do not think it is OK. But, I do think it needs to be legal and supported by the medical system, because the alternatives (illegal, dangerous abortions) are worse.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
Pro-choicers are fine by me so long as they admit that they made bad decisions, I'm not pro-life though either, it's a weak stance
alterlife · 26-30, F
Letsdothis1987 · 56-60, M
Do you advocate to legalize prostitution? Seems like pro-choice would also give them the right to sell their body for sex.
eli1601 · 70-79, M
It's murder
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Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
If you don't want to have a baby don't mate simple as that not unless you are just a whore
princessElizabeth · 22-25, F
@Abbenthewarwolf ive used Plan B 3 times within my 18 years.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@princessElizabeth was I worng in saying what I did? Were you offended? If so I apologise.you don't care about living beings.? A New living being. ??? I thought you were a good person full of love.was I misstaken? Blessings . have a good evening.