AcidBurn Best Comment
Launch a ddos attack on the sw backdoor. Ip address
@AcidBurn You're truly brilliant
I did not think of that
I did not think of that
@SirDurpsAlot I have my moments (:
Fangirlsarah1996 · 26-30, F
Quick, precise military action.
Though said "action" would most likely be with about 3 dudes in a van armed with bats, I doubt there'd be that many people to "remove" who own the site...just saying :p
Though said "action" would most likely be with about 3 dudes in a van armed with bats, I doubt there'd be that many people to "remove" who own the site...just saying :p
@Fangirlsarah1996 😂 you're definitely going places
Fangirlsarah1996 · 26-30, F
@SirDurpsAlot You know it.
And you better keep that opinion if you don't want my van squad to pay you a visit.
And you better keep that opinion if you don't want my van squad to pay you a visit.
SweetMae · 70-79, F
I wouldn't want to.
HijabaDabbaDoo · F
Ask trump.

Buy it.

With nudes if you're a lady.

@SW-User It is scary how simple but effective this would be.

@SW-User They don't even have to be your nudes, just gotta make sure they don't pop up in reverse image search.

Why would I want to?🤔
@SW-User For power?

@SirDurpsAlot no thanks. *giggles* what power? Social media power? 🤣
N00dz. but i like minimal people messaging me.. so nah.
Novaturient81 · 41-45, F
Kiss a lot of people's @$$€$.
Something I refuse to do.
Something I refuse to do.