You're complimented way more often, you can get touchy with both your female and your male friends and family members without it being considered weird, you find it easier to show your emotional side and you are allowed to feel weak.
Well you guys won't get to experience pregnancy which i think its one of the most beautiful things also the bond with mother and child is much different because of this,we're more mature😁,better fashion sense,more graceful/elegant,multiple-organism😁,more flexible,natural multi-taskers, silent farting, no public boner problems, we're all beautiful oh and obviously BOOBS😂 had to include that
@Challenger1 there is, if you're into women 😆 Lol also finding the perfect bra can be VERY difficult. The good part is that (if you're confident enough) you think they look good.
@HannibalAteMeOut Wow. I'm sorry you see all these drawbacks to boobs. Yes, mine are smallish (A-cup), but I don't feel the least bit un-feminine or self conscious about them. I actually like what I see in the mirror.
Yes, there are disadvantages to larger breasts and you hit on some, but please don't assume everyone with small ones somehow feels negative about them.
You can ask your girl friend to go to the toilet with you and people will consider it normal.. you can cry in front of everybody and you wont be judged majorly (negatively)..
There are quite a few I can think of: being less likely to die at the workplace. Not coming off as a creep for awkwardly expressing interest.
Being less likely to be physically assaulted or to die in a violent crime. Despite the "being more afraid in the dark walking home" women actually are much less likely to be physically assaulted than men. Statistically speaking.