Having a baby
TheWereWolf · 26-30, M
You deserve the best answer sweetheart @BabyLonia
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TheWereWolf · 26-30, M
You must be one lucky lady @SW-User
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being able to show emotion and not be shamed for it

@SW-User yeah. haven't you ever observed someone saying to a guy 'man up' when they're emotional? even as a joke, there's still the expectations that men shouldn't cry

@SW-User really? i must be so weepy then that they can't pin it on one week of the month lol

@SW-User good point about the man up thing..I've seen plenty of emotion from guys and can't say I've seen them put down for it at the time. Maybe it is more of a thing that people just say.
ItsMe · F
What's the best thing about being a male?
TheWereWolf · 26-30, M
@ItsMe Yeah I don't. Wanna check it out? 😆
ItsMe · F
@TheWereWolf No thank you!
TheWereWolf · 26-30, M
@ItsMe Thought so

Always being right...JK...I think for the most part we are a bit more sympathetic and nurturing, now, that is not always the case, but I think it is many times.
I have a mix of friends and I get some good advice along with some laughs from the male ones, and I get a listening ear and compassion from the female ones for the most part.
I have a mix of friends and I get some good advice along with some laughs from the male ones, and I get a listening ear and compassion from the female ones for the most part.
TheWereWolf · 26-30, M
@SW-User That's nicely put my lady.

no idea without something to compare it to
QueenPeach · 26-30, F
TheWereWolf · 26-30, M
@QueenPeach You any good at it?
QueenPeach · 26-30, F
@TheWereWolf I think I am. But only the right person
TheWereWolf · 26-30, M
Ah. Got it. @QueenPeach
Mellifluous · 31-35, F
Many privilege 😂
TheWereWolf · 26-30, M
Wanna tell a few? @Mellifluous
Mellifluous · 31-35, F
@TheWereWolf ladies first?
TheWereWolf · 26-30, M
@Mellifluous Smarty pants 😏
ProdigalSummer · F
The ability to grow and nourish tiny humans.
PS - I can't believe no one has said multiple orgasms yet.
PS - I can't believe no one has said multiple orgasms yet.

@ProdigalSummer good point
TheWereWolf · 26-30, M
@ProdigalSummer I was expecting the last part of your answer haha

Easily getting what you want

@SW-User sorry...some drinks and then sex lol..my mistake 😂 Not to be condescending but I've been a woman for a while now :)

@SW-User I didn't say or imply that those were all. You know that.
It's petty and immature to attempt to pull strawmen over a simple disagreement. What a waste of time. Muted
It's petty and immature to attempt to pull strawmen over a simple disagreement. What a waste of time. Muted

@SW-User you'll learn -pat-

Soft skin

@SW-User Bish I'm smooth like a marble 😡💅
AmbivalentFriability · 26-30
In North America at least, we have more freedom to express ourselves than men do. We get shit for it, yeah, people call us over emotional, irrational, and our interests and opinions aren't taken as seriously than if we were men, but we can express ourselves to a fair degree without being shunned by society. It seems like men are only "allowed" to show a very limited range of emotions, have "manly" hobbies or interests (whatever that is), and behave in a more dominant manners unless they want to risk having their masculinity questioned, and be called names and generally be thought less of. Anything considered even remotely feminine is off limits unless you want to be called a pussy, it seems. It's fucked up how femininity is equated with weaknesses and sub-par attributes. And anyway, why should emotions and self expression be considered "feminine" when it's just human? It has nothing to do with being male or female, it is inherently human.
TheWereWolf · 26-30, M
It was a nice read but you didn't need to take it that far I guess? I mean it was just an easy question. A comparison was not required just a simple answer would have sufficed. But thank you. @AmbivalentFriability