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philosophy, Extraterrestrials, Please come in with an open mind

Lets talk about the subjects of extraterrestrials.
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Rootstoblossom · 46-50, F
With the size of the universe I believe life is possible out there. If it is intelligent life, we will never meet them, they avoid earth as the bad neighborhood. They lock their spaceship doors when flying near us.
Dominantsoul · 56-60, M
The reason people refuse to accept the possibility of their existence is the termoil it would create.

Firstly governments would be proved to be as untrustworthy as they truly are, in keeping the proof from normal people.

Secondly imagine the chaos that it would create in the world of religion. Proof the man was not created just here on earth by an invisible entity. Maybe it would finally prove that Jesus was in fact an alien crash landed here on earth. Wow unbelievable huh, as unbelievable as an invisible force creating the universe.

It is man's conciete that believes that we are the only intelligent life out there. And if there is and they can visit us, they are so far in advance of us, we are to them as a new born child it is to an adult

Of course there is life out there. And to the person who commented, I only believe in what I can see. You can't see the air that fills your lungs, do you therefore not believe in that too.
MysteryInthedark · 31-35, F
wanna know something about the paranormal? lets take an apparition for example.. You see a figure of a man or woman.. You are scared to see them as they see you. That moment of realization of seeing a figure in your time is a stretch in their time. I believe it's like a portal you see them and they see you. You see them relive their time from their past. Apparently it should be something praised.
MysteryInthedark · 31-35, F
You know Some extraterrestrials could be us fro the future.. Either updated in looking or possibly hybrids. I mean they have the best technology that can diffuse power to a nuke or even a station.
vikiii · 31-35, F
i did hear that the truth about extraterrestrial is meant to be told in 2017 .. i don't no how true this is .. i am a strong believer though, i saw something 2 years ago that i swear down was a UFO .. call me crazy but it's what i believe :) plus we can't be the only life out there ..
MysteryInthedark · 31-35, F
De ja vu is something i believe you have dreamt of from your past and you are now re living that similar moment you dreamt of. Ive had plenty of those
MysteryInthedark · 31-35, F
True. There are people who will not believe it until they see it for themselves. Its true. I guess Hawking is working on that for us.
MysteryInthedark · 31-35, F
Yes they do exist. Whether you believe it or not. The Universe is a abnormal expansion of many possible galaxies. We can not be the only living thing on one planet.
Calmsoul · 31-35, M
There is no bigger mystery then our mind itself !! Hope hawking will solve that too !! Hehehe
MysteryInthedark · 31-35, F
haha I love that picture. Crazy how he was a body builder than <('.')> "Aliens" happened :)

The only paranormal experiences I have are dreams. I always dream of ghosts or apparitions or even family members
So why is there no public record of their some activities?
Too open of a mind and you'll believe anything a little skepticism is a good thing. You demand proof then.
Ned: Hey, what finally convinced you? ;)
MysteryInthedark · 31-35, F
Yes the mind does play tricks in the dark.
Calmsoul · 31-35, M
You have any paranormal experience ? Please an honest one if it is there
Calmsoul · 31-35, M
Only believe what i see
My dad has seen such stuff
MysteryInthedark · 31-35, F
Paranormal is my favorite subject ;)
vikiii · 31-35, F
i believe they exist ..
MysteryInthedark · 31-35, F
Good question. The reason why the information about the exsistance is not fully available to the public is because the government does not want the shock the people or freak them out about e.t.s. There are many footage's and veterans who swear that they and other colleges have seen Ufos.
Ya something like that
i know many people who believe they've experienced ghosts. i never call them liars, i just haven't experienced it myself
[image/video deleted]
Calmsoul · 31-35, M
MysteryInthedark · 31-35, F
Your right. There is no need to worry. Never take a moment of happiness for granted. much love to you Beautyndbeast :)
For now instead of worrying about extra stuff I want my today n tomorrow to be good. I want to see whole world b4 it gets destroyed and many things more...
But some countries n their government is not that powerful to hide such stuff
Everything on earth is changing climate n stuff
What if WW happens?
MysteryInthedark · 31-35, F
Usa.. Is not the only thing that matters. The World Matters
MysteryInthedark · 31-35, F
There is, If we are willing to fight for it.
I kinda get déjà vu but its not paranormal I guess
jaymic64 · M
The odds are we are not alone.
Or may be there is no future
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
Let's talk about.discrimination.k?
Calmsoul · 31-35, M
Honestly when i was small i was hell of afraid of dark , i believed i saw things but as years passed those beliefs went away !! Its just our brain that plays with us sometimes !!
jaymic64 · M
Great subject.
They exist?
So to you😊
I do believe in paranormal
aliens are cool, I likey them
MysteryInthedark · 31-35, F
It is changing.. I fear we might have to leave earth to a new planet. or even live in space. War is stupid. We humans are too greedy and stubborn. Literally Money, drugs, oil, those are the things we fight for? whats the point if it going to cause mass of destruction? I cant believe that this is still something to believe worth killing for. Your right our humanity is at stake. Donald trump is a huge example of why everything is wrong. See the way how he thinks of people and things. How he thinks he's so entitled as a human. ugh
If aliens are like that white man from Prometheus then I want one😁
nedkelly · 61-69, M
You left off Americans that come from the planet - USA ONLY MATTERS
Goralski · 56-60, M
They're gonna eat d fat ones first:(
btw why doesn't they wear boxers or something it's disgusting...
idk why they always end up on places with hill billies....maybe they're retarded too ? or have a off beat fkd up humor
They should *eat up*(may vary) all fckrs on earth 😁

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