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Bikerman051 · 56-60, M
What a scumbag, she needs to stay away from him

He oughta be kicked in the nuts.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Not if they aren't married. He would have to have a court recognized responsibility like they are his kids or he adopted them.
Picklebobble · 56-60, M
Shitty thing to do to somebody!
I'd go to the papers!
Tell your story then trash his reputation!!
If he's dumb enough to come out of hiding he'll get hassled by every junk journo out there!
And if he doesn't. At least you might be able to issue it as a warning to other women in case he tries that again!
curmudgeon1968 · 51-55, M
unless there was a contractual obligation binding them together for the length of the trip then he is not obligated to stay for the duration of it. As far as leaving her without money, as long as he is not taking money which is hers then he is not obligated to give her any. Not saying that it wasn't a total dick move, but a boyfriend is not obligated to pay for someone else. Her children are legally her responsibility, she voluntarily took them to Florida without means to return.

However the situation changes if he left with her money, that could be prosecuted as theft. Or if they signed a contract for an organized vacation package together which she lost value in, that is breach of contract. But, as long as he was paying for everything he has the right to go.
Not abandonment if she is an adult... And she would have been caring for the children.

Difficult situation to judge really
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Charlotte · 70-79, F
Curmudgeon: My daughter is a very responsible person. He was the jerk! This took place over the holiday week-end. She had money. It was at the end of the trip this happened. No contracts, No agreements. It was him and his two kids, and her and her two kids. He's the one who suggested, and said he'd pay for the trip. He got mad and went off on her daughter because his daughter said hers was being bossy. Some reason to go ballistic, scream to the top of his lungs, and leave them. He was the immature jerk here. A hothead. He made them wait one hour outside the car in the hot sun until HE was ready to give them their baggage.

To all those wondering, of course she dumped him for good. She is beautiful, inside and out, a sweet Christian lady. She's the image of Sharon Stone in her earlier days, only actually prettier.

MasterLee, I don't see the humor in this. Yours is sick.
Has he sense been communicating with them?
Child abandonment:
Leaving a child with another person without providing for the child’s support, and with no meaningful communication with the child or caregiver for a period specified by statute, usually three months.
That's child endangerment, though more information is needed:

What were their conditions?
How long were they in those conditions?
Oh, the kids aren't his..?
Nope, they're not married so there's nothing that can be done. He has no legal responsibility to them.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
I suppose legally she could be prosecuted for it.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
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She should never go back to that punk again, he is dangerous .
Mstre123 · 36-40, M
Child abandonment

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